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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 140

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

The Life-Boatman's Log

Date: Summer 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 359

France Honours the Life-boat Service A Decoration for a Cornish ex-Coxswain ON the 14th of July last, a reception was held at University College, South- ampton to mark the celebrations of France's national day, Le Quatorze...

Category: Articles

The American Steamer John P. Doe, of Baltimore

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

MARCH 25TH. - WALMER, KENT. At 8.15 at night the Deal coastguard telephoned that a vessel was aground on the mainland near the South Foreland. A moderate southeasterly breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth, but there was thick fog. The...

On His Retirement After 30 Years Service As Honorary Treasurer First at Exeter and Then Exmouth Leslie Aplin Was Presented With a Clock from Exmouth Branch By Hono

Date: Spring 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 464

On his retirement after 30 years service as honorary treasurer, first at Exeter and then Exmouth, Leslie Aplin was presented with a clock from Exmouth branch by honorary secretary Len Smith (I.) and an inscribed shield by John Atterton (r.),... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Classification of Services and Lives Saved By Life-Boats

Date: March 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 423

CATEGORY (1) Naval vessels . .

(2) Foreign going merchant vessels (3) Home trade merchant vessels . .

(4) Commercial fishing vessels (5) Powered pleasure craft . .

(6) Sailing pleasure...

Category: Services

A Night on the Goodwins

Date: July 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 346

[This article appeared in The Lancet for 29th, June 1946, in the feature "In England Now," and is reproduced by kind permission of the author and the editor of The Lancet.] OCCASIONALLY we read in our daily paper "The...

Category: Articles

The Steamers Haiti Victory and Duke of York

Date: Spring 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 365

Walton and Frinton, Essex.—Early on the morning of the 6th of May, 1953, the United States steamer Haiti Victory collided with the British Railways passenger steamer Duke of York two miles east-south-east of the Galloper lightvessel. The...

David Brann

Date: Winter 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 559

'If the campaign succeeds in only encouraging an additional 2% of the population to remember a charity in their will, it would provide the voluntary sector with an extra £170m every year. That's more than the income generated by... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1885

Volume: 12

Issue: 136

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Suffolk, of London,

Date: November 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 142

LlZARD AND CADGWITH. The S.S. Suffolk, of London, 2,900 tons, bound from Baltimore for London, with a cargo of flour, tobacco, &c., and having a large number of cattle on board, struck the rocks at the Lizard Head during a dense fog at 4...