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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Life-Boat Services In 1904

Date: May 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 216

Lives saved.

Newbiggin, North Sunder- land, Port Isaac, Scarboro', Staithes, Stonehaven, Whitby —rendered assistance.

Frobfsher, steam trawler, of Yar- mouth, assisted to save vessel and 9 George...

Category: Services

Inshore Rescue Boats on Service

Date: December 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 414

Launches on service from 1st July to 3ist August, 1965, which resulted in the rescue of people in difficulties are described in chronological order below.

Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 5.25 p.m. on 2nd July, 1965, a small...

Category: Services

Havoc, Kermit and Guilding Star

Date: Autumn 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 474

Search in fog A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC reported to Tynemouth Coastguard on Saturday June 14, 1980, that a ship's foghorn had been heard east of Berwick Lighthouse.

Berwick lifeboat station was informed at 1310 and five...

Lifeboats In Action

Date: Spring 2003

Volume: 59

Issue: 564

Two saved in harbour dramaFaced with the choice of a wait offshore for eight hours in gale force conditions or reaching dry Land quickly by a risky harbour entry, which would you choose? Decision time When a crew of two undertook a maiden...

Category: Services

Lifeboat Services Cont'

Date: Autumn 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 502

The summarised reports on this page concern services for which letters of commendation and thanks from Lt Cmdr Brian Miles, as deputy director/ chief of operations, have been sent to the stations and/or personnel...

Category: Services

IRB Launches

Date: December 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 418

Rescues by IRBs in June were carried out by the following stations: NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 7 p.m. on 27th June, 1966, a dinghy was reported adrift half a mile to seaward of Skipsea.

The IRB was...

Category: Services

Two Bronze Medal Services. Hartlepool (Durham) and Selsey and Bognor (Sussex)

Date: February 1931

Volume: 28

Issue: 305

Hartlepool (Durham) and Selsey and Bognor (Sussex).

ON the morning of 26th September last a three-masted Danish auxiliary schooner, the-Doris, of Thuro, attempted to enter the harbour at Hartlepool. A strong N.N.E. gale...

Category: Services

Dingaling (1)

Date: Winter 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 507

Atlantics join forces to save yacht crew on Chichester Bar The Institution's Bronze medal for bravery has been awarded to crew member Graham Raines of the Hayling Island lifeboat crew following a very difficult rescue involving two...

Mer Gespard

Date: Summer 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 489

On the Goodwins RAMSGATE PIERHEAD lookout sighted red flares to the south east of the harbour at 2303 on Saturday October 29,1983. The sighting was immediately reported to Dover Coastguard, the honorary secretary of Ramsgate lifeboat station...

The right call

Date: Autumn 2017

Volume: 61

Issue: 621 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2017

Liam is readying himself for the shout as he laces his shoes. ‘As soon as you hear that pager, there’s an adrenaline rush. And then you take a breath and you mellow yourself. You think: “Right. What could we be going to?”’

Category: Articles