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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Services of Life-Boats

Date: July 1861

Volume: 04

Issue: 41

LYME REGIS, DORSET.— On the 14th No- vember, 1860, the smack Elizabeth Ann, of Lyme Regis, culm lade*, was driven ashore at the back of the Northern harbour wall, the Wind blowing a hard gale' from the S.W. at the time, and the night...

Category: Services

The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1908

Volume: 20

Issue: 228

The boats of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and all belonging to them are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, tinder the general superintendence of local honorary committees...

Category: Articles

The Car Boot Sale Organised By Henley-On- Thames Branch Last Autumn In Full Swing:

Date: Autumn 1981

Volume: 48

Issue: 478

The car boot sale organised by Henley-on- Thames branch last autumn in full swing: trade in garden tools, nearlv new clothes, toys, bric-a-brac and all manner of goods was brisk. An original, popular and profitable enterprise which resulted... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Laurel, of London

Date: November 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 94

A heavy gale was sweep- ing along the coast of South Devon on the night of the 23rd November, when rockets were observed at Mount Batten, indicative of some shipping disaster; and it being presently ascertained that a sbjp had parted from...

When Hrh the Duke of Kent President of the Rnli

Date: Summer 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 481

When HRH The Duke of Kent, President, of the RNLI, visited Lowestoft lifeboat station in May he met crew members, their wives and branch and guild representatives.

Lord Somerleyton, branch president (hidden), presents to... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

RNLI Family: The life of the charity

Date: 2014

Volume: 61

Issue: 609 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2014

Celebrating the RNLI family, past and present

From volunteers to rescuees
Mike and Jan King have fundraised for a quarter of a century – but never thought they would be on the...

Category: Articles

Index to the Gift Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: May 1893

Volume: 15

Issue: 168

(Tbtf-gura refer to the numbtn of the Hfc-boatl detailed on the twelve preceding Pages.) A. F. H., 131. ., 195, 241, 267. oman. E. Esq., 118. ooley, G. Esq., the late, 266, A Lady, 16. )almer, Mrs. the late, 11. onourable Artillery...

Category: Donations

The Duke of Kent, President of the R.N.L.I., Speaking at the Mermaid Ball Dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London, In December, When a Cheque Was Presented for Over £51,000 By the Royal Briti

Date: April 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 439

The Duke of Kent, President of the R.N.L.I., speaking at the Mermaid Ball dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London, in December, when a cheque was presented for over £51,000 by the Royal British Legion for the Solent class life-boat The... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The King and the Life-Boat Service

Date: February 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 321

THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 124 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 48 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to February 14th, 1935 - 63,938 The King and the Life-boat Service.


Category: Articles

The Modern Lifeboat Exhibition

Date: Winter 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 447


SUNDAYS, 2.30 p.m.-6 p.m.

FOR TWO MONTHS in the spring of its 'Year of the Lifeboat' the RNLI is staging an...

Category: Articles