During a thick fog on the 13th February the s.s. Epidauro, of Lusinpiclo, whilst bound from the Mediterranean to Swansea in ballast, stranded in the vicinity of the Overton Cliffs, about one mile to the west of Port Eynon Point.
Annual Meetings: Financial Branches and Guilds.
CHELTENHAM.—On 18th July, Mrs.
Richard Davies, Chairman, presiding.
The report for the year ending 30th September, 1926, showed that...
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Sinking of Biscaya: four photographs taken in her last five minutes. One minute after the first photograph was taken (left} three men were snatched from Biscaya, including the Dutch crew member from salvage tug Titan.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
About £.3,000 was raised for the RNLI by the pro-am golf tournament at Notts Golf Club, May 29. Last team to tee off was Hugh Baiocchi and Duncan Lee (left) and Dr David Marsh and Henry Cooper (right).. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Annual Meetings.
ALNWICK.—On 15th February, Canon Manby presided in the absence of the Chairman, Sir Francis E. Walker, Bt. The Treasurer's report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, which was carried, showed the...
Category: Branches
A British aeroplane had crashed into the sea, but the body of thepilot had already been picked up. - Rewards, £12 7s. 6d..
WEXFORD.—At about 8th Feb. 1884, telegrams were received stating that a large fourmast ship was ashore on the Pollock Rocks n Fethard Bay. The wind was blowing a whole gale from the south and the sea was very heavy. Horses were procured as...
A heavy breaking sea then struck the boat on the quarter, washing her broadside on to the beach ...'. This fine action photograph—it is a 'still' from a film—was taken by B.B.C. cameraman Tony Knightley from the cliff overlooking... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs