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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Double Toil and Trouble

Date: Spring 2008

Volume: 61

Issue: 583

Even experienced sailors can misjudge their situation. Carol Waterkeyn reports on a testing service to two yachts caught out close to harbour

Mr and Mrs Burris checked the forecast on 25 June 2007 as they prepared to sail...

Category: Articles

Ocea (1)

Date: Winter 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 483

Steering failure LIVERPOOL COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of New Brighton lifeboat station at 1400 on Sunday August 29, 1982, that the yacht Ocea was acting in an erratic manner and appeared to be in difficulties just north of...

Spreety (1)

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

Lifeboat and ILB AT 0813 ON WEDNESDAY August 17, 1977, HM Coastguard Aldeburgh requested the launch of Aldeburgh lifeboat to a yacht firing red flares about half a mile east of the lookout. Because of the difficulties of launching at low...

A Sailor's Views on the R.N.L.I.

Date: October 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 437

Cold, wet and darkness form a classic environment for fear, and if this trio is mixed with the other fierce ingredients of a sea driven to fury by a winter storm hurling its strength against an unyielding tidal stream, it would take a truly...

Category: Articles

Lifeboat Services

Date: Winter 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 527

VERY LITTLE SEAROOM AND FUEL OIL ON THE DECKS Two services in eight days to factory ships - 40 men saved The joint second coxswain of the Lerwick lifeboat, William Clark, has achieved the rare distinction of being awarded the RNLI's...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 2016

Volume: 61

Issue: 617 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2016

When Islay lifeboat crew launched to a yachtsman in treacherous seas and force 11 winds, they couldn’t have known that their courage would result in a life saved that night – or a Medal for Gallantry

‘ My adrenaline...

Category: Articles

Lifeboat Services

Date: Winter 1986

Volume: 49

Issue: 495

South West Division Dismasted yacht AT 1330 on Sunday August 11, 1985, Portland coastguard received a 999 call from a member of the public reporting he had seen a yacht firing a white flare about a mile and a half south of Lulworth Cove. The...

Category: Services

The Wreck of the "Islander."

Date: November 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 304

A TRAGIC disaster occurred on the coast of Cornwall during a severe gale which struck the coast towards the end of August, when the cutter Islander, of the Royal Yacht Squadron, was driven ashore in Lantivet Bay, about three miles from Fowey...

Category: Articles

IRB Launches. Rescues by IRB's in June were Carried out by the Following Stations

Date: December 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 422

SCOTLAND Broughty Ferry, Angus - At 8.45 p.m. on 5th June, 1967, a small yacht wasseen to capsize near the Craig buoy. At this time another three yachts were also capsized by a sudden squall. The yacht club rescue boat while attempting to...

Category: Services

Lifeboat Services

Date: Summer 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 513

LIFEBOATMAN ALONE ABOARD PILOT BOAT PLUCKS CREW TO SAFETY IN SEVERE GALE Three rescued from tug after night collision with coaster Shane Coleman, Second Coxswain/Mechanic of the Lowestoft lifeboat has been awarded the RNLI's Bronze medal...

Category: Services