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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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The Norwegian Fish Carrier Arnoytrans

Date: Winter 2005

Volume: 60

Issue: 571

Longhope Coxswain Kevin Kirkpatrick and Thurso Second Coxswain Duncan Munro received the Thanks of the Institution Inscribed on Vellum for two separate services on the same stormy day (mentioned in the winter 2004/05 issue of the Lifeboat)....

Into the Dragon's Mouth

Date: December 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 352

THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 156 Motor Life-boats 1 Harbour Pulling Life-boat LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Life-boat Service in 1824 to December 31st, 1949 ...

76,724 Into the Dragon's Mouth IN the...

Category: Services

Lifeboat Services

Date: Summer 1988

Volume: 51

Issue: 505

MKDAUJS IS SHOVVKI) 'BRAVKRV AM) KXPKKTISK Sailor rescued as yacht is driven on to lee shore The coxswain and helmsman of Whitby's two lifeboats, the 44ft Waveney White Rose of Yorkshire and the D class inflatable Gwynaeth, have both...

Category: Services


Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

Launches 70 Lives rescued 107

AUGUST 3RD. - PORT ST. MARY, ISLE OF MAN. In the afternoon the motor lifeboat Sir Heath Harrison had just returned from an exercise when a telephone message was received from a private...

Category: Services

Chong Peng

Date: Winter 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 447

Combined Operation THE DEPUTY LAUNCHING AUTHORITY of Appledore, North Devon, was informed at 3.26 a.m., on Wednesday, September 19, 1973, that a yacht was in distress 28 miles to the west of the lifeboat station.


Lifeboats In Action

Date: Winter 2004

Volume: 59

Issue: 567

Injured yachtsman saved from certain deathD A mayday call from an injured sailor who had lost control of a yacht was relayed to Falmouth Coastguard on 29 October 2003.

The Royal Navy (RN) search and rescue helicopter from...

Category: Services

Lifeboat Services

Date: Winter 1993

Volume: 53

Issue: 523

j LIFEBOAT STOOD ON TRANSOM BY BREAKING SEA Seventeen saved from 75ft yacht aground in gale and 20ft breakers Two Hayling Island lifeboatmen, Roderick James and Frank Dunster, have been awarded the RNLI's Silver Medal for their part in...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 1997

Volume: 56

Issue: 542

Trent saves five in gale force winds and very heavy seas When a northerly gale is blowing against a spring tide conditions in the English Channel near the island of Alderney can be very unpleasant indeed. It was in just these conditions that...


Date: November 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 312

On the morning of the 18th July the small yacht Damaris, of Lowestoft, left Southwold, with two men aboard, intending to run to Lowestoft, but found the wind and sea too much for her. She tried twice to return to Southwold but failed, and...


Date: December 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 332

Torbay, Devon.—At 8.50 P.M. On the 12th August the coastguard reported that a motor boat with five persons on board was ashore between Blackpool sands and Dartmouth. A gentle S.E.

breeze was blowing, with a smooth sea. The...