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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Children of High Bank Nursery School Swinton Manchester

Date: Summer 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 485

The children of High Bank Nursery School, Swinton, Manchester, and their parents raised £293.50 for the RNLI in memory of their late head teacher, Miss Constance M.

Hardman; while the children pile into their... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

War Services of the Institution

Date: November 1918

Volume: 23

Issue: 266

THE Secretary of the Institution is compiling a record of the War Services rendered by the Life-boats and by members of the staff of the Institution.

He would be grateful to Honorary Secretaries, especially of Station...

Category: Services

The Final Trials of the Motor Tractor

Date: May 1921

Volume: 24

Issue: 273

By Captain HOWARD F. J. ROWLEY, C.B.E., R.N., Chief Inspector of Life-boats.

I GAVE an account, in The Life-Boat for May, 1920, of the reasons which had led the Institution to look for some mechanical means for launching...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Magician, of Liverpool

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944


At 9.10 at night on the 14th of April the Peterhead coastguard reported a vessel in difficulties at Craigwan, two miles north of Peterhead. Later he reported that no help was needed...

Erick Honnecker

Date: March 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 375

Whitby, Yorkshire.—At 2.30 on the morning of the 13th of November, 1955. the coastguard rang up to say that a vessel burning white flares could be seen two miles to the east- ward. At 3.1 the no. 1 life-boat Mary Ann Hepzvorth was launched....

Exercising the Life-Boat

Date: November 1912

Volume: 21

Issue: 246

As soon as possible after the arrival of a new Life-boat at her Station an exer- cise is held, preferably in rough weather, in order not only to test her sea-going qualities, but also as a means of giving the crew some experience of the boat...

Category: Articles

A Town Remembers:

Date: Summer 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 497

A town remembers: Harry Bamber, Ken Smith, bearing the RNLI standard, and David Topping of Lytham lifeboat crew are followed by their Coxswain Arthur Wignall (I) and Helmsman Edward Brown of New Brighton in the procession on July 27, 1986,... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Loss of a Life-Boatman on the Mersey

Date: May 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 284

FOR the past four years no Life-boatman has lost his life at sea. When it is remembered that in that time 1,507 lives have been rescued from shipwreck, and that altogether, on service and exer- cise, between 40,000 and 50,000 men were afloat...

Category: Articles

The Marquess of Ailsa

Date: October 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 335

THE committee of management greatly regret the death in April of their colleague, the Marquess of Ailsa, at the age of ninety-one. Lord Ailsa was not only the oldest, but the senior member.

He joined the committee of manage...

Category: Obituaries