FOR years past the Montrose life-boat crews, by their readiness at all times to proceed to sea to the rescue of the wrecked, and the success which has at all times attended their labours, have earned for Montrose the reputation of being, so...
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At 3.50 P . M . the coastguard reported a British aeroplane in difficulties, and a few minutes later the news came that the aeroplane was down in the sea. Her position was given at...
PEEHAPS the most charming thing in Patrick Howarth's most attractive book* is the way in which he has set his story. As he moves round the coast, apparently quite casually, from one carefully chosen life-boat station to another, he...
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NORTH SUNDEHLAND.— At 2 P.M. on the 1st January 1901 the Life-boat Thomas Bewick was launched and brought ashore the Crew of four men of the ketch Pallas, of Jersey, which had stranded on the Longstone rock, where she became a total...
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A British aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but her crew were picked up by atrawler about twenty miles N.W. of Morecambe Bay lightship and the life-boat was recalled by wireless....
AUGUST 9TH. - BARROW, AND FLEETWOOD, LANCASHIRE. An aeroplane had come down in the sea off Walney Island, but no trace of her crew could be seen and it was learned later that her crew had been landed. - Rewards : Barrow, £10 12s. ;.<...
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With the official start to the 2015 lifeguard season just around the corner, over 1,300 RNLI lifeguards are being recruited and put through their paces to make sure they’re ready to fulfil their demanding role. They will be patrolling over...
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