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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Life on the Open Road

Date: Spring 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 536

When Spring approaches and inshore lifeboats prepare for their busy period, George Dadson, RNLI truck driver, knows there is far more going on behind the scenes than may meet the public eye…George is responsible for ensuring the inflatables...

Category: Articles

The Blind Boy and the Life-Boat

Date: July 1867

Volume: 06

Issue: 65

OF all the calamities to which the human race is liable, unless it be that of unceasing pain, there is perhaps none which we each of us dread so much in our own persons, or sympathize with so greatly when beheld in others, as loss of sight....

Category: Articles

Services by Auxiliary Rescue-Boats

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

Launches 6 Lives rescued 3 COURTOWN, Co. WEXFORD. At 5.40 in the afternoon of the 22nd of October, 1942, the honorary agent received information that the local motor fishing boat St. Mary was in difficulties about three miles to the north of...

Category: Services

Classification of Services and Lives Saved By Life-Boats

Date: March 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 427

CATEGORY Services Lives Saved No. Percen- tage of Total No. Percen- tage of Total (1) Naval vessels . . 5 •4% — — (2) Foreign going merchant vessels 31 2-8% 17 3-4% (3) Home trade mer- chant vessels . . 30 2-7% ...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 1990

Volume: 52

Issue: 514

Casualty taken in tow half-a-mile from rocks in on-shore galeThe RNLI's chief of operations has written to the secretary of the Sennen Cove lifeboat station commending the coxswain and crew for their actions during a service to a...

The S.S. Runswick, The S.S. Saltwick, The S.S. Fidra

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

GOLD MEDAL SERVICE AT PETERHEAD JANUARY 23RD - 26TH. - PETERHEAD, ABERDEENSHIRE. At 6.40 in the morning of the 23rd, a message came from the coastguard that the S.S. Runswick, of Whitby, had been in collision, and the lifeboat crew were...

The Eighth Annual Pram Race Organised By Michael White from the King's Head Public

Date: Spring 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 504

The eighth annual pram race organised by Michael White from the King's Head public house in Sutton Valence, raised £450 for Maidstone Villages branch, photograph by courtesy of Kent Messenger. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Services of the Life-Boats of the Institution During 1958

Date: March 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 387

Time of Date Launching Station 1958 Jan.

tt ,, ;J ); t J; )} ,, 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 17.00 12.05 10.50 11.10 11.35 12.35 13.15 14.35 03.00 17.55 08.55 Bridlington . .

Rosslare Harbour Clovelly Filey...

Category: Services

A Doctor's Advice By Wireless

Date: June 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 334

MR. MOYLE, the honorary secretary of the life-boat station at St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, has sent a very interesting story of help given in an unexpected way by the life-boat's radio-telephony set.

On Sunday, 13th...

Category: Articles

On the rocks

Date: Spring 2012

Volume: 61

Issue: 599 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2012

Two sailors clung to a ledge beneath Welsh cliffs, lashed by waves with the tide rising around them

With the sea and wind driving directly onto the rocky shoreline, this would be an extremely...

Category: Articles