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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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Scarborough Evening News Man on the Spot on 7Th August Was Chief Photographer Jay Mason—He Was Taking Pictures of Filey Life-Boat's Demonstration Launch When a Real Rescue Came Up. Th

Date: January 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 438

Scarborough Evening News man on the spot on 7th August was chief photographer Jay Mason—he was taking pictures of Filey life-boat's demonstration launch when a real rescue came up. The launch, for Filey life-boat flag day, involved the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The American Steamer Jonas Lie (1)

Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945


DAVID’S, PEMBROKESHIRE. Both lifeboats were called to the help of the American steamer Jonas Lie, which had been torpedoed, off Grassholme Island, but they were recalled as all her crew had...

Services of the Life-Boats In March, April and May, 1951. 79 Lives Rescued

Date: Spring 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 358

DURING March, life-boats went out on service 45 times and rescued 10 lives.

A LISTING TANKER New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 7.18 on the night of the 1st of March, 1951, the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board tele- phoned that the S...

Category: Services

Life-Boat Services In 1901

Date: May 1902

Volume: 18

Issue: 204

Lives saved.

Astrsea, schooner, of Dartmouth—• rendered assistance.

Alfred, ketch, of Padstow—rendered assistance and landed 4.

Ardlethen, P.S., of Aberdeen—ren- dered...

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats In December, 1949 and January and February, 1950. 112 Lives Rescued

Date: Winter 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 353

DURING December life-boats went out on service 44 times and rescued 19 lives.

THE MEN FROM THE PRU Ramsgate, Kent.—At 8.5 in the morn- ing of the 3rd of December, 1949, the pier shore attandant reported that a boat in which...

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution (continued.)

Date: February 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 123

WEST HARTLEPOOL.—On the 2nd April, 1881,at about 11 A.M.,on observing the bri- gantine Danube, of Guernsey, which was about to enter the Hartlepool East Harbour, hoist a flag of distress, the West Hartle- pool No. 1 Life-boat Rochdale...

Category: Services

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 326

Thursday, 13th February, 1936.

SIR GODFREY BARING, St., in the chair.

Decided that humble and loyal messages be presented to H.M. King Edward VIII and H.M. Queen Mary, on the death of...

Category: Committee

The Chief Inspector of Life-Boats

Date: December 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 336

COMMANDER E. D. DRURY, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., the chief inspector of life-boats, will retire, under the age limit, on 31st December, 1938, and will be succeeded as chief inspector b)' Lieut.-Commander P. E. Vaux, D.S.C., R.N., the...

Category: Articles

The Stranding of the "Eider."

Date: August 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 165

The " Eider " rode on the open sea With her safety in God's own hand For a thousand miles—-ay, two, and three, With never a sight of land.

A shell of steel on the world of waves That severs the hemispheres,...

Category: Poetry

Annual General Meeting of the Governors

Date: June 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 281

THE Annual General Meeting was held at the Mansion House, in the morning of March 4th, 1924, for the purpose of dealing with statutory business, S r Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee, presiding.


Category: Meetings