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45923 search results for 'The Deadly Oil Slick - An Aerial View of the Tanker Torrey Canyon'
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Wreck Chart of the British Isles for 1854

Date: May 1855

Volume: 02

Issue: 16

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Category: Charts

Wreck Chart of the British Isles for 1863

Date: October 1864

Volume: 05

Issue: 54

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Category: Charts

Tahchee, of Panama

Date: December 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 422

Penlee, Cornwall - At 6 p.m. on ist August, 1967, the coxswain was informed by the honorary secretary that two seriously injured men aboard the tanker Tahchee of Panama required hospital treatment. A rendezvous was arranged for 8 o'clock...

An Aeroplane (30)

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

J UNE 3 RD. - BEMBRIDGE, ISLE OF WIGHT. It had been reported that two of the crew of three of an aeroplane had left their machine by parachute, three miles south of the watch-house, but a piece of parachute was all that could be found. News...

An American Superfortress Aeroplane

Date: Summer 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 355

Great' Yarmouth and Gorleston, and Caister, Norfolk; and Lowestoft, and Aldeburgh, Suffolk.—About 6.30 in the evening, on the 7th of June, 1950, an American Superfortress aeroplane crashed eight miles north-north-east of Smith's...

An Admiralty Barge

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

FEBRUARY 15TH. - PETERHEAD, ABERDEENSHIRE. At 4.35 P.M. the coastguard reported that the naval authorities wished the life-boat crew to be assembled as an Admiralty barge was in difficulties in Peterhead Bay. An hour later the crew were...

An Aeroplane (1)

Date: June 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 338

Dover, Kent.—16th February. An aeroplane had been reported to have dived into the sea, but it had come down to within a few feet of the sea and had then flown away.—Partly permanent paid crew: Rewards, £l 18s..

An Aeroplane (1)

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

FEB. 16TH. - DOVER, KENT. An aeroplane had been reported to have dived into the sea, but it had come down to within a few feet of the sea and had then flown away.- Partly permanent paid crew : Rewards, £1 18s..

An American Thunderjet Fighter

Date: April 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 360

Ramsgate, Walmer, and Dover, Kent.

—At 10.8 in the morning of the 13th of September, 1951, the Ramsgate coastguard telephoned to the Rams- gate life-boat station that an aeroplane, an American Thunderjet fighter, had...

The Annual Meetings 1982

Date: Spring 1992

Volume: 52

Issue: 520

The 168th Annual General Meeting of the RNLI was held in what has become its traditional venue - the Queen Elizabeth Hall on London's South Bank - on the morning of Tuesday 19 May, 1992. The weather, however, was far from the traditional...

Category: Meetings