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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1897

Volume: 16

Issue: 184

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFB-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Date: November 1887

Volume: 13

Issue: 146

THURSDAY, 5th May, 1887.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting.

Also read those of the Finance and Corre-...

Category: Committee

The Life-Boat Stations of the United Kingdom

Date: August 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 121


XLIV. BROOKS.—The George and Anne, 32 feet by 7 feet 6 inches, 10 oars.

XLV. BRIGHSTONE GRANGE.—The Worcester Cadet, 34 feet by 8 feet, 10...

Category: Articles

Remuneration for Saving Life from Shipwreck

Date: January 1854

Volume: 01

Issue: 11

ANY person who has travelled on our seacoasts, and has been in the habit of conversing with the fishermen and other seamen at the various ports, fishing-towns, and wateringplaces, on the subject of their rendering assistance to shipwrecked...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: August 1913

Volume: 22

Issue: 249

NORTH SUNDERLAND, NORTHUMBER- j LAND.—At about 5 P.M. on the 7th | January a message was received stating that the steamer Teesborough, of Mid- dlesbrough, was ashore about three- quarters of a mile outside the harbour.


Category: Services

A Christmas Pantomime 'Aladin' Performed By the Little Theatre Charity Pantomime Company Raised £2000 for Teesmouth Lifeboat Mr R E H Winterschladen Manager of the Company Toge

Date: Spring 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 472

A Christmas pantomime, 'Aladin', performed by the Little Theatre Charity Pantomime Company raised £2,000 for Teesmouth lifeboat. Mr R. E. H. Winterschladen, manager of the company, together with members of the cast, presented... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs


Date: Autumn 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 502

• Patrick Howarth, who retired as the RNLI's public relations officer in 1979, is far from retired from his career as an author. His latest book, George VI (Hutchinson, £12.50) recently published, is a meticulous biography of a shy,...

Category: Articles


Date: November 1883

Volume: 12

Issue: 130

On the 6th April, at 4.30 A.M., during a moderate N.E. wind, signal guns were fired from the Gull Lightship. The Lifeboat Bradford proceeded under sail to the North Sand Head and found a barque ashore on the North-east part of the...

Book Reviews

Date: June 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 428

Another valuable contribution to life-boat history has been made by Grahame Farr in his latest volume in the Wreck and Rescue Series. This tells the story of the South Devon life-boats (Wreck and Rescue on the Coast of Devon, D. Bradford...

Category: Articles

A Rescue In a Snow-Storm

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

Bronze-Medal Service at Fraserburgh. SHORTLY before two o'clock in the morning of 18th January the Aberdeen trawler Evergreen, outward bound, with a crew of nine, went ashore in a snow- storm between Sandhaven and Rose- hearty, four...

Category: Services