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Date: April 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 431

Mutley Baptist Church, Plymouth, has close contacts with the R.N.L.I., and when an essay competition on life-boatmen was held for members of the junior church there was a good response.

The following are extracts: 'The...

Category: Articles

The Lifeboat Service - Past and Present

Date: Winter 1986

Volume: 49

Issue: 495

725 Years Ago The following item was first published in THE LIFEBOAT of January, 1861.


ON the occasion of the hurricane which swept the island of St. Kilda, in the...

Category: Articles

Two Wrecks In the Shetlands. Stromness Motor Life-Boat's Journeys of 260 and 240 Miles

Date: June 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 302

DURING March and April two vessels were wrecked on the Shetland Islands.

They were both vessels sailing from Aberdeen. One was a trawler, the Ben Doran, and, in spite of courageous efforts to rescue her crew, all were...

Category: Articles

The Annie Jane and Dolphin

Date: November 1894

Volume: 15

Issue: 174

On the 7th February, at 12.45 P.M., the Life-boat Mary Isabella put off in a strong W.S.W. gale and a rough sea to the assistance of the Annie Jane, of Feel, which, in beating up for the harbour, carried away her foremast, and signalled for...

The Royal Naval College Greenwich Was the Splendid Setting for a Cheese and Wine Evening Held Last November the 400 Guests Sampled the Delights of Dutch Che

Date: Winter 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 467

The Royal Naval College, Greenwich, was the splendid setting for a cheese and wine evening, held last November. The 400 guests sampled the delights of Dutch cheese, kindly provided by the Dutch Dairy Bureau; Martell donated a gross of... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Minesweeper Lady Stanley and Stalker

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941

JANUARY 15T H . - THE HUMBER, YORKSHIRE. At about 10.5 P.M. the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station reported a vessel sounding S.O.S. to the N.W. of the Gate Ship.

A moderate N.W. breeze was blowing, with a slight sea. It was...

(9)—Les Wall at the Oyster Sheds. He Retired from the Life-Boat Service In 1959 at the Age of 58. on the Life-Boat He Was Signalman. Joined In 1947.

Date: January 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 438

(9)—Les Wall at the oyster sheds. He retired from the life-boat service in 1959 at the age of 58. On the life-boat he was signalman. Joined in 1947.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Fig1: There Was Little Growth of Weeds Or Barnacles on Friendly Forester When She Was Hauled Out This Year But Herbert Larter District Surveyor Lifeboats (E) Recognises Th

Date: Summer 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 457

Fig.1: There was little growth of weeds or Barnacles on Friendly Forester when she was hauled out this year, but Herbert Larter, district surveyor lifeboats (E), recognises the familiar marks left by questing mullet mouths.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Services of the Life-Boats In January, February and March, 1955. 63 Lives Rescued

Date: June 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 372

JANUARY DURIXG January life-boats were launched 41 times and rescued 37 lives.

LIFE-BOAT STANDS BY FISHING FLEET Anstruther, Fifeshire.—Oil the after- noon of the 3rd of January, 1955, the wind freshened, and at...

Category: Services

The Motor Fishing Coble Primrose

Date: March 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 313

On the morning of the 5th December, the motor fishing coble Primrose, of Whitby, was seen to be in difficulties about a mile E.S.E.

from Whitby Rock Buoy, and,the Motor Life-boat Margaret Marker Smith was launched at 11.25...