All in a day's work...
Eastbourne crew's first aid examination was interrupted on 1 August by an urgent message over the VHP radio from the Dutch yacht Stresze. requesting medical assistance some ten miles SE of...
Newhaven, Sunday December 13: Soon after midday two calls were received in quick succession. A gale, gusting above force 10, was blowing from south south east; the spring tide was in the first hour of the ebb and seas in the harbour and at... - View image in PDF
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Newhaven, Sunday December 13: Soon after midday two calls were received in quick succession. A gale, gusting above force 10, was blowing from south south east; the spring tide was in the first hour of the ebb and seas in the harbour and at...
As soon as the motor life-boat J. B.
Proudfoot, on temporary duty at the station, returned at 4.40 in the afternoon, after towing the boat Harriett into...
Walton and Frinton, Essex. At 2.20 on the afternoon of the 29th of October, 1956, the coastguard telephoned that a message had been received that a small yacht appeared to be in need of help about a mile and a half east of Holland sluice. At...
On the morning of the 8th July, a boat was observed about four miles from the shore at Bude, with a signal flying. She tacked about several times, as if intending to make Bude. The crew assembled, and the Elizabeth Moore Garden Life-boat...
BOAT ON FIRE Selsey, Sussex. At 2.12 a.m. on i3th July, 1965, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a boat was on fire four miles south of Thorney Island and that a helicopter had been sent. The lifeboat Canadian Pacific was...
The complete insurance and financial service for supporters of RN1I HOUSE CONTENTS CAR INSURANCE YACHT INVESTMENT/SAVINGS RETIREMENT PLANS SEND FOR YOUR COPY OF THE BROCHURE Name (Mr., Mrs., Miss).
Date of Birth Address To...
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LONG TOW IN HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS Eleven men and fishing vessel saved In winds gusting to 90 knotsA difficult service in winds up to almost 90 knots earned coxswain / mechanic Hewitt Clark of the Lerwick lifeboat a Bronze Medal, recognising...
Category: Services
YACHT AGAINST TIDE Hoylake, Cheshire. At 3 p.m. on igth October, 1963, the yacht Spindrift II was seen to be making little headway against a strong tide. As it was unlikely that the yacht would reach a safe anchorage before darkness fell,...