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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Life-Boat's Crew

Date: November 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 94

Is it the hireling's greed of grain Urges them o'er the seething main ? Is it to glean with wrecker's glee The doleful harvest of the sea ? Is it to grasp with iron grip The riddled flag of the foeman's ship— To haul to port...

Category: Poetry

Trial of the "Percy" Life-Boat

Date: March 1852

Volume: 01

Issue: 01

A trial of the life-boat designed by Mr. PEAKE, one of the Northumberland Life- Boat Committee, and built under his superin- tendence, by order of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty, in Her Majesty's Dockyard at Woolwich, for the...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: December 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 398

SOME astounding figures have been recorded of the services of life-boats in 1961. The month of August this year was, for instance, by far the busiest month the service has ever known since it was founded 137 years ago. During the month...

Category: Articles

Touring Rnli Depot and Headquarters at Poole on October 7 Hrh the Duke of Kent President of the Institution Is Shown the Rigging Loft (Above Left) By Joe Salmon and Watches Len Wlodek At

Date: Autumn 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 474

Touring RNLI depot and headquarters at Poole on October 7, HRH The Duke of Kent, President of the Institution, is shown the rigging loft (above left) by Joe Salmon and watches Len Wlodek at work on a coir how fender. He inspected a propeller... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Billy Boy Annie

Date: August 1906

Volume: 19

Issue: 221

About 12.20 P.M. on the 10th February the Coxswain of the No. 2 Life-boat observed the Billy-boy Annie, of Grimsby, being towed over the bar outward bound, when the tow-rope suddenly broke and the Billy- boy drifted rapidly towards the North...

Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: May 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 08

THE object of this Institution, as declared in its title, is to afford assistance to every shipwrecked person around the coasts of the United Kingdom.

The chief means by which it hopes to carry this object into effect are—...

Category: Advertisement

Notes of the Quarter

Date: December 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 426

THE PERIOD of a little over a quarter of a century during which the late Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, was the Institution's President, will almost certainly be looked back upon by future historians of the life-boat service as one of...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Deloraine

Date: August 1909

Volume: 20

Issue: 233

On the 29th January a gang of eight men, for salvage purposes, boarded the s.s. Delo- raine, of Glasgow, which stranded off Ballantrae in a blizzard at the end of December. The weather at the time was fine, but the W.N.W. wind gradu- ally...

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 334

Thursday, 10th February, 1938.

Sir GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

Anonymous .... 500 0 0...

Category: Committee

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Date: Autumn 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 538

The Royal Bank of~ r"J J ifeboats *? H Royal National Lifeboat The benefits: A chance to promote and support Lifeboats £5 donation when your card is approved Every time you use your card, an extra contribution . , is made 2%...

Category: Advertisement