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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. Glenmoor

Date: May 1913

Volume: 22

Issue: 248

Shortly after midnight on the 24th-25th Decem- ber, whilst the s.s. Glenrnoor, of jSTew- castle-on-Tyne, was riding at anchor waiting to enter the harbour, a gale of wind sprang up from S.W., with hurri- cane squalls, causing her anchors to...

The S.S. Baron Berwick

Date: March 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 407

SOS FROM HULL Humber, Yorkshire. At about 4.50 p.m. on 8th October, 1963, the coxswain received a telephone message from the Hull agents of the S.S. Baron Berwick asking if a doctor could be taken to the ship as there was a sick man on board...

The S.S. Germania (1)

Date: September 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 373

On the night of the 6th of May, 1955, the Eastbourne. Sussex, life-boat rescued a salvage party of sixteen men from the S.S. Gcrmania and four men from two motor boats which had been helping to unload her. For a full account of this service,...

The S.S. Corchester and S.S. Cormull

Date: June 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 376

Cromer, Norfolk.—At 7.44 on the morning of the 19th of February, 1956, the coastguard rang up to say that the S.S. Corchester, of London, had collided with another vessel two miles west of Haisboro' lightvessel, and that the CorcJiester...

The S.S. Olavus

Date: June 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 330

Skegness, Lincolnshire.—On the morning of the 26th January the coastguard reported that rockets had been seen by the Lynn Wells lightship from a steamer aground on the Dog's Head Sands. She was the s.s. Olavus, of Hull, bound in ballast...

The S.S. Orkney Trader

Date: June 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 384

Buckie, Banffshire. At 9.30 on the morning of the 5th of February, 1958, the coastguard informed the coxswain that the S.S. Orkney Trader, of Kirk- wall, was in danger of driving ashore two and a half miles north of Buckie.

The S.S. Fawn (1)

Date: March 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 345

The Mumbles, Glamorganshire. —• At 10.40 on the night of the 27th of January, 1948, the coastguard tele- phoned that the Scarweather Light- ship had reported flares fourteen miles to the southward, and at 11.10 the motor life-boat William...

The S.S. Towneley

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

JANUARY 7TH. - MARGATE, KENT. At 3.55 P.M. a message was received from the Margate coastguard that two ship’s boats had been seen near the Tongue Light-vessel.

A southerly breeze was blowing, and the sea was smooth. At 4.5...

The S.S. Rubis Law

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

NOV. 2 8TH. - MARGATE, KENT. At 4.15 P.M. a message was received from the coastguard that a vessel had been damaged by enemy action about one and a half miles E.N.E. of the Tongue Light-vessel. A light S.W. breeze was blowing and the sea was...

The S.S. Saxton

Date: April 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 349

Ramsey, Isle of Man.—At 8.30 on the night of the 6th of December, 1948, the coastguard reported that the S.S.

Saxton, of Middlesbrough, was aground outside the harbour entrance with her engines broken down, and the motor...