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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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A Ship

Date: August 1880

Volume: 11

Issue: 117

BALLYW ALTER, Go. DOWN.—On the 11tb.

March, at midnight, signals of distress were shown from a ship ashore on the Long Bock opposite Ballywalter, and in response thereto the Life-boat Admiral Henry Meynett was promptly...

TheSmall Lug Sail Boat Moa

Date: November 1907

Volume: 20

Issue: 226

About 10.30 P.M. on the 23rd July, three youths engaged a small lug-sail boat, called the Moo, to go for a moon- light sail. They were caught by the tide and being inexperienced in boating were unable to make any headway and drifted to the...

Martin Gust

Date: November 1911

Volume: 21

Issue: 242

On the night of the 5th April the Life-boat James Stevens No. 9 was called out to a vessel which had stranded on the Black- tail Spit, but on reaching the vessel the master declined any assistance, as he hoped to float his vessel clear on...


Date: February 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 251

At 9.40 P.M. on 26th September it was reported that distress signals were being made from the north shore. The crew of the No. 2 Life-boat Edward and Eliza were promptly assembled, and inquiries were made by telephone for further information...

The S.S. Glenravel

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

The new Motor Life-boat Lady Rallies, which had been stationed at Fraserburgh as recently as July, was called upon to per- form her first service on the 8th August.

Between seven and eight o'clock in the morning an...

The Sailing Barge Davenport

Date: February 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 321

Early on the morning of the 18th December the coastguard warned the coxswain that a flare had been seen to the E.N.E. The coxswain went to the look out, and after some time saw a red flare. A S.E., veering to S., gale was blowing, with a...

A Boat

Date: September 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 323

At 2.30 P.M. on the 15th May the coastguard received a telephone message from Gravir post office that at 7 A.M. three men had put off from Lemreway in an open boat to fish, and had not been seen or heard of since. A strong N.N.E. gale was...

Portrait on the Cover

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

THE portrait on the cover is of Cox- swain Thomas William Read, of Rams- gate, who retired last year. He was appointed second coxswain about 1915, when the station was administered by the Board of Trade, and in 1924, two years after the...

Category: Articles

South-Western District Conference

Date: October 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 339

A CONFERENCE of branches and guilds from seven counties in the South West of England—Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Wiltshire, Dorset, Berkshire, Oxford- shire and East Somerset—was held at Southampton on the 13th June,...

Category: Meetings

Admiral Sir Wilfrid R. Patterson

Date: March 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 371

K.C.B., C.V.O., C.B.E., who died on the 5th of December, 1954, at the age of 61, had been a member of the Com- mittee of Management for seven years.

He first joined the committee in 1947 as an ex-officio member when he was...

Category: Obituaries