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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Date: August 1908

Volume: 20

Issue: 229

At 4.45 P.M. on the 22nd February, the barometer having suddenly dropped to 28 • 2, with a full gale of wind from west, the schooner Barbara, which was lying in Scrabster Roads, made signals of dis- tress. The crew of the Life-boat Co-...


Date: November 1908

Volume: 20

Issue: 230

.—The Life-boat Zaccheus Burroughet waa launched for exercise on the morning of the 20th March, the District Inspector of Life- boats being on board. The wind was fresh from E.S.E. and a strong sea making. The sloop Pioneer, of Lynn, whilst...


Date: May 1912

Volume: 21

Issue: 244

Shortly after 5 P.M. on the evening of the 30th November a message was received stating that a steam-boat was ashore on the Bondicar Eeef and signalling for assistance. The Coxswain launched the Life-boat Mary Andrew and proceeded to the...


Date: February 1899

Volume: 17

Issue: 191

ST. AGNES, ISLES OF SCILLY.—Signals having been fired by the Bishop Bock Lighthouse, on the 26th May, the Lifeboat James and Caroline was launched at 12.15 p.m., and found the lugger Nyanza, of Penzance, engaged in the mackerel fishery, at...


Date: January 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 434

Those who have hitherto received THE LIFE-BOAT free of charge in recognition of services rendered to the R.N.L.I. will continue to do so. So will all Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters' Association members. But it is hoped steadily to...

Category: Articles

'Blue Peter' Appeal

Date: July 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 440

In the children's programme 'Blue Peter' on B.B.C. television on 8th June an appeal was made to help provide replacement rescue craft for the four 'Blue Peter' inshore life-boats which are stationed at Littlehampton,...

Category: Articles

The New Experimental Irb Stationed at Lyme Regis Which Is Referred to on Page 52 Was Built at Atlantic College In South Wales the Boat Has a Five-Compartment 20-Inch

Date: June 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 424

The new experimental IRB stationed at Lyme Regis, which is referred to on page 52, was built at Atlantic College in South Wales. The boat has a five-compartment 20-inch diameter special tube made by Messrs. Dunlop and is fabric strip glued... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Boatman's Licence

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

The Board of Trade have prepared a scheme for the issue of boatmen's licenses to people in charge of small passenger vessels which ply in inland or in estuarial waters, or go only short distances to sea.

The scheme,...

Category: Articles

A Dinghy

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

Aberdeen - At 11.39 p.m. on 2nd March, 1968, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that an outboard dinghy with four people on board which had left Stonehaven at 7.30 was overdue. At 12.20 a.m.

as none of the...

A Dinghy

Date: April 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 431

Workington, Cumberland - At 8.39 p.m. on llth September, 1969, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that he had received reports of a small boat flashing a white light about one and a half miles off Harrington. The signal appeared...