Reported to the September and October Meetings of the Committee of Management.
September Meeting.
Sheringham and Cromer, Norfolk.— A three-masted schooner, the Six Sisters, of Hull, was anchored...
Category: Services
One crew member from Newquay's D class can be seen at the edge of the breakers with one of the casualties, while another is pan-way up the cliff helping a second casualty.
The combined efforts of the lifeboat,... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
A CENTURY AGO lifeboat crews were nearly all fishermen who spent most of their time working at sea and were well used to long periods of exposure in harsh conditions. Their lifeboats, although the best of their day, were simple open boats...
Category: Articles
West Division Injured swimmer A SOUTH-WESTERLY NEAR GALE force 7 was blowing on the afternoon of Saturday August 2, 1986, when the honorary secretary of Tenby lifeboat station was told by Milford Haven coastguard that a swimmer off Monkstone...
Category: Services
Propeller fouled NUMEROUS TELEPHONE CALLS were received by Brixham Coastguard at about 0120 on Wednesday August 18, 1982, reporting the sighting of red flares off Teignmouth Pier. Teignmouth Coastguard rescue company were immediately alerted...
New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 9.35 on the morning of the 3rd of January, 1957, the marine surveyor of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board telephoned to say that a member of the crew of the Bar lightvessel had been suddenly taken ill. As the...
Some years ago a Miss Maud Smith left a sum of money to the Institution so that a gift of £5, to be known as the 'Miss Maud Smith award for courage, in memory of John, Seventh Earl of Hardwicke', might be made each year to the...
Category: Awards
Valentia, Co. Kerry. At 11.45 on the night of the 9th of August, 1958, Valentia radio station informed the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Dun Angus of Dublin needed help some six to seven miles south of Skelligs Rock, as her...
During a strong gale on the 6th August, the yacht Maude, of Glasgow, was observed flying a signal of distress while at anchor, and the Lite-boat Christopher Brown at once pro- ceeded to her. Having anchored to O windward, the Life-boat was...
During a whole S.E. gale on the 1st October, signals of distress were made from the yacht Oyane, of Cork, lying at anchor in the bay. The Life-boat T. P. Hearne was very smartly launched and pro- ceeded to the yacht, which they found in a...