For which Rewards were given at the May, June and July Meetings of the Committee of Management.
Seafield, Quilty, Co. Clare.—At 7.30 A.M. on the 2nd December, 1933, a curragh, which was returning from the fishing grounds,...
Category: Services
Harbour accident THE LIFEBOAT CALL-OUT paging signal alerted Second Coxswain Christopher Tett of Weymouth on the afternoon of Easter Monday, March 31. 1986. He drove straight to the lifeboathouse, and as he made his way inside he noticed...
Twenty-nine rescued A MAYDAY RELAY message from the Danish motor vessel Charlottenburg was heard by St Peter Port Signal Station at 1323 on Sunday December 13, 1981.
Charlottenburg was going to the assistance of Bonita, an...
Margate, Kent.—At 9.45 in the morn- ing of the 27th of February, 1949, the coastguard reported that a yacht, three miles to the north-eastwards, was drifting rapidly towards the shore. A strong west-north-west wind was blow- ing and the sea...
[This article appeared in The Lancet for 29th, June 1946, in the feature "In England Now," and is reproduced by kind permission of the author and the editor of The Lancet.] OCCASIONALLY we read in our daily paper "The...
Category: Articles
JANUARY DURING JANUARY life-boats were launched on service 45 times and rescued 54 lives.
DOCTOR TAKEN TO GRIMSBY TRAWLER Bridlington, Yorkshire. At three o'clock on the afternoon of the 3rd of January, 1958, the...
Category: Services
THE night was dark, the tempest roared, The waves ran mountains high: It seemed to every hand on board As if the sea and sky In one commingled mass was blent And welded by the gale, Save where the quiv'ring light'niag rent The...
Category: Poetry
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Category: Medals
FROM THE BOAT SHOW • Very encouraging it was, at a Boat Show just managing to weather a fuel crisis, to find on display a means of generating power relying on neither oil nor coal. Lucas/C.A.V. Marine were showing a solar battery charger for...
Category: Articles
ON the 12th of January, 1950, H.M.
submarine Truculent, with about seventy-nine men on board, and the Swedish motor tanker, Divina, collided in the Thames Estuary; the submarine sank at once.
This was...
Category: Services