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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Fisheries Exhibition

Date: November 1883

Volume: 12

Issue: 130

IT would probably savour of exaggeration to assert that this Exhibition is entitled to the first place in the long roll of similar undertakings, of which the Exhibition of 1851 was the grand beginning; but history will give it a high place...

Category: Articles

Lowestoft: on September 17 1977 Lowestoft's 47' Watson Lifeboat Frederick Edward Crick Went to the Help of Chycaron; the Motor Cruiser's Engines Were Out of Acti

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

Lowestoft: On September 17, 1977, Lowestoft's 47' Watson lifeboat Frederick Edward Crick went to the help of Chycaron; the motor cruiser's engines were out of action and her anchor fouled. Two crew members were put aboard and the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Late Sir Edward Birkbeck, Bart., K.C.V.O.

Date: November 1908

Volume: 20

Issue: 230

THE subscribers and friends of the | At the meeting of the Committee of ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION- Management next following the death will have heard with great regret of Sir Edward Birkbeck, held on the that Sir Edward Birkbeck,...

Category: Obituaries

Services of the Life-Boats. Reported to the February, March and April Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 322

Reported to the February, March and April Meetings of the Committee of Management.

February Meeting.

Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.—On the afternoon of the 8th January, the Avonmouth haven master...

Category: Services

The Great International Fisheries Exhibition, 1883

Date: August 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 125

SINCE the great International Exhibition of 1851, promoted by the late lamented and ever-to-be-remembered PRINCE Conr- SORT, and carried to a successful termina- tion under his auspices, there have been many such exhibitions in this and...

Category: Articles

Best Efforts By F R Davies

Date: Summer 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 485

HOW WOULD YOU react when confronted with three seven-year-old boys who had seen, say, a model you had built 15 years ago, and who wanted to build their own? Would you tell them that, because of inflation, it would cost three times as much...

Category: Articles

The Great Services Which Were Rendered By the Life-Boats to the Allied Cause During the War Have Been Referred to In Previous Numbers of The Life-Boat

Date: February 1920

Volume: 24

Issue: 268

'T'HE great services which were rendered by the Life-boats to the Allied cause during the War have been referred to in precious numbers of THE LIFE-BOAT. The full list of the services in the last year of the War, during which rewards...

Category: Services

The Annual Meeting

Date: June 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 326

THE hundred and twelfth Annual Meeting of the governors of the Institution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, 6th May. Some 1,800 people were present.

H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., as...

Category: Meetings

Notes of the Quarter

Date: June 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 384

THE first three months of 1958 have offered striking evidence of the help given by life-boats to a great variety of vessels serving the commerce of the country in different ways and, in particular, to fishing boats. Of the 106 launches by...

Category: Articles

A wild February night in 1923 sees the exhausted crew of Adolf Vinnen hauled to safety by breeches buoy

Date: Summer 2004

Volume: 59

Issue: 569

A wild February night in 1923 sees the exhausted crew of Adolf Vinnen hauled to safety by breeches buoy. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs