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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Sea Gull

Date: December 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 386

Moelfre, Anglesey. At 2.50 on the afternoon of the 15th of August, 1958, the coastguard told the coxswain that a rowing boat was in difficulties three miles east of Moelfre Island. Ten minutes later the life-boat Watkin Williams was launched...

A Sailing Boat (1)

Date: December 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 386

Salcombe, Devon. At 11.50 on the morning of the 2nd of September, 1958, the coastguard at Bolt Head informed the honorary secretary that a sailing boat had capsized half a mile south- west of Steeple Cove look-out hut and that two people...


Date: June 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 388

Selsey, Sussex. At 2.10 on the afternoon of the 15th of March, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that red flares had been reported off Bognor and that further enquiries were being made. At 2.40 the coastguard reported that...

A Boat

Date: December 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 390

Fishguard, Pembrokeshire. At 10.5 on the night of the 4th of July, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small boat with three people on board was drifting off Pen Anglas. The life-boat Howard Marryat was launched at 10...

Portrait on the Cover

Date: March 1960

Volume: 35

Issue: 391

THE portrait on the cover is of Coxswain Walter Jonas Oxley of Walton and Frinton, who has been coxswain since the beginning of 1947. Before that he served as bowman for nearly four years and as second coxswain for more than ten years. While...

Category: Articles


Date: March 1960

Volume: 35

Issue: 391

Lerwick, Shetlands. At 1.19 early on the morning of the 9th of Novem- ber, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Theway was ashore on the north end of Mousa. As the life-boat crew were assembling a further...

Eagle Book of Ships

Date: June 1960

Volume: 35

Issue: 392

THE Eagle Book of Ships and Boats (Hulton Press, 15/-)., which is excel- lently produced and illustrated, has been published at a most reasonable price. It includes sections on the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, safety at sea and sailing....

Category: Articles


Date: Winter 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 364

Dungeness, Kent.—At 5.30 on the afternoon of the 18th of December, 1952, an ex-life-boat coxswain tele- phoned that a vessel had gone ashore on Newcombe Sands. The tide was very low, and at 7.45, when it had risen sufficiently, the life-boat...

The S.S. Alice of Bremen

Date: Winter 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 364

Moelfre, Anglesey.—At eight o'clock on the morning of the 10th of February, 1953, the Holy head coastguard tele- phoned that the S.S. Alice of Bremen, which had broken down and had been towed to Moelfre Bay by a pilot boat, was dragging...

Fishing Cobles

Date: Spring 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 365

Newbiggin, Northumberland.—On the morning of the 14th of April, 1953, the life-boat bowman returned from fishing and reported that sea condi- tions to the northward were becoming bad. Five fishing cobles were still at sea, and at 9.30 the...