Harbour accident THE LIFEBOAT CALL-OUT paging signal alerted Second Coxswain Christopher Tett of Weymouth on the afternoon of Easter Monday, March 31. 1986. He drove straight to the lifeboathouse, and as he made his way inside he noticed...
MARYPORT AND WHITEHAVEN. — The barque Carn Tual, of Liverpool, sailed from Maryport on the 6th October, and on the 9th, at 9 P.M., she was observed to be showing signals of distress, at which time she was riding in the Sol way between Kobin...
on the 21st March, during a N.W. wind, signals of distress were observed in the vicinity of the " North Stack," and in response the steam Life-boat Duke of Northumberland promptly...
ESCORT FOR FISHING VESSEL IN TOW Arbroath, Angus. At 8.53 on the evening of the 28th April, 1962, the coastguard informed the motor mechanic that a fishing vessel was firing distress rockets two miles off Auchmithie.
This photograph shows the toy lifeboat which reader O N Carson referred to in his letter (mi: LIFEBOAT. Autumn 19K7, page 206). The model is approximately ten inches long and is clockwork powered. It is constructed from plastic, except for... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
WHEN a shrieking, thund'rous tempest Breaks the stillness of the night, And a ship in seething waters Wages impotential fight; As the life-croft to the rescue, Gallant oarsmen speed afloat— Do we realise the perils Of the men who man the...
Category: Poetry
Reported to the September and October Meetings of the Committee of Management.
September Meeting.
Broughty Ferry, Angus.—At 11.45 A.M. on the 18th June the honorary secretary received a telephone...
Category: Services
Shoreham Harbour, Sussex. At 2.16 on the afternoon of the 23rd of July, 1960, the life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched on exercise in a light westerly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was half ebb. Soon after the life-boat had...
Man overboard The dangers of the sea were tragically demonstrated on 18 March 2006 when David Clear was washed off his yacht, Past Times, off St Aldhelm's Head near Swanage, Dorset. His inexperienced crew member made a Mayday call but...
At Port St Mary each Tuesday throughout the summer The Strolling Players II. to r.) Elizabeth Coombes, John Watterson and Alice Wilson, dressed in Manx costume, meet outside Crowe's 'Examiner' shop to entertain tourists, playing... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs