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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Self Righting Explained By Stuart Welford

Date: Autumn 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 450

WHAT ARE THE FORCES WHICH, WHEN HARNESSED, WILL MAKE A BOAT RIGHT HERSELF? by Stuart Welford, MiMechE MRINA Research and Development Officer, RNLITHE RNLI FLEET has included selfrighting lifeboats for well over one hundred years—since 1851...

Category: Articles

The Gardens of the Former Home of Lady Astor of Hever

Date: Summer 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 497

Tlie gardens of the former home of Lady Astor of Hever were opened to the public for the first time since 1961 in April to raise funds for Cemaes Bay branch. Cestyll Ornamental Gardens at Cemlyn, Anglesey, are now owned by the Central... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Ballot Box By Life-Boat

Date: Winter 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 353

AFTER the general election in February, the ballot box from the island of Colonsay, off the west coast of Scotland, was brought to the mainland by the Islay life-boat. The cost was paid by the returning officer..

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats of the Institution During 1949

Date: Winter 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 353


Jan. 1.

,, 2.

„ 2.

» 4.

„ 5.

„ 8.

„ 8.

„ 8.

„ 8- „...

Category: Services

The Life-Boat of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: April 1866

Volume: 06

Issue: 60

Fig. i.

Body Plan. Midship Section.

The accompanying figures show the general form, the nature of the fittings, and air-chambers of one of these boats, 33 feet in length and 8 feet in breadth. In figs. 1...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Swansea Bay

Date: August 1910

Volume: 21

Issue: 237

In smooth but thick weather on the 6th January a telephone message was received from the Coastguard stating that a steamer was ashore at Horsey Gap. The crew and helpers of the No. 2 Life-boat Hearts of Oak were assembled and the boat sent...

The Fundraisers

Date: Winter 2001

Volume: 58

Issue: 555

The Tone Vale Lodge, based at the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOBJ club at Taunton, raises cash for a different charity each year. Members normally aim to raise £200 in the course of a year but in 2000 managed to break all...

Category: Articles

The Fundraisers

Date: Summer 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 545

Palmer 'ands it over Easterners' dodgy geezer George Palmer (aka actor Paul Moriarty) presented a cheque to crew members of Brighton lifeboat in March. The presentation was held at the local pub, Spanish Lady, and was the result of a...

Category: Articles

Freemen of the City:

Date: Summer 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 493

Freemen of the City: ten lifeboatmen and committee members of the Selsey lifeboat station were admitted to the Freedom of the City of London by the Chamberlain, Mr Bernard P. Harty, at the Guildhall, London, on Friday July 12. Colonel and... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

How You Can Save By a Gift to the Institution

Date: February 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 283

IT does not sound possible, but it i The following is a list of the cost of the is a fact that by making a large gift! different types of Life-boat and of these to the Institution during his life other parts of the equipment of the wealthy...

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