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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The S.S. Gangeren

Date: August 1913

Volume: 22

Issue: 249

The No. 2 Life-boat Leicester was launched during a moderate N.E. gale and heavy break- ing sea, on the llth January, to the assistance of the s.s. Gangeren, of Brevik, which stranded near the North Pier.

Owing to the heavy...

Centenaries of Life-Boat Stations

Date: November 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 300

Presentation of Vellums signed by the Prince of Wales.

DURING the present year the Institution has presented Vellums to thirteen Stations which have been in existence for a century and over. Reports of seven of these...

Category: Articles

Lady of the Lake

Date: August 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 109

SIDMOUTH AND EXMOUTH. — On the 29th March, the smack Lady of the Lake, of Portsmouth, was seen to show signals of distress off High Peak. A strong E. to E.N.E. gale was blowing at the time,accompanied by snow. The Lifeboat Bimington,...

Two Rescues By Shore-Boats

Date: February 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 283

San day, Orkney Islands, and Smerwick, Co. Kerry.

ABOUT ten at night on 24th June, 1924, a small boat, with three men on board, was capsized in a sudden and heavy squall in Otterswick Bay, at Sanday, in the Orkney Islands....

Category: Services

Douglas Lifeboat the 46Ft 9In Watson R a Colby Cubbin No 1 Launches on Exercise Photograph By Courtesy of the 'Isle of Man Examiner'

Date: Winter 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 471

Douglas lifeboat, the 46ft 9in Watson R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 1, launches on exercise. - View image in PDF

photograph by courtesy of the 'Isle of Man Examiner'. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Twenty-Five Years of Life-Boat Work. By Captain Basil Hall, R.N. Late Inspector of Life-Boats

Date: February 1920

Volume: 24

Issue: 268

IT was in February, 1895, that I first entered " the House of the Institution " in order to submit my name as a candidate for the vacancy of District Inspector of Life-boats, caused by a decision of the Committee of Manage- ment to...

Category: Articles

Concerning Public Opinion on the Mercantile Marine, and the Corporate Interests Connected Therewith

Date: January 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 75

THE "British Public" has of late mani- fested a considerable degree of dissatisfac- tion at the general state of the Mercantile Marine, a dissatisfaction which is none the less real in fact because it can hardly be said—at least in...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats. Reported to the November, December and January Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: March 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 313

Reported to the November, December and January Meetings of the Committee of Management.

November Meeting.

Dungeness and Hythe, Kent.—On the 8th October, the barge Shamrock, of London, was...

Category: Services

The Greek Freighter Razani Battered By Heavy Seas on 20th November, 1967 After Being Swept on to the Rocks Near Blackhead, Co. Clare

Date: June 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 424

The Greek freighter, Razani, battered by heavy seas on 20th November, 1967, after being swept on to the rocks near Blackhead, Co. Clare.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Saint

Date: November 1904

Volume: 19

Issue: 214

TOTLAND BAY, ISLE OF WIGHT.—The schooner The Saint, of Padstow, while bound from Par, Cornwall, to Gravelines, with a cargo of china clay, stranded on the Warden Ledge in the early morning of the 2nd May. On receipt of information from the...