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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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The Mersey Dock Board No. 4 Pilot Boat

Date: Winter 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 353

Moelfre, Anglesey.—About ten o'clock on the night of the 16th of January, 1950, the Holyhead coastguard tele- phoned that the Mersey Dock Board No. 4 Pilot Boat had struck a sub- merged object in Moelfre Bay and was in need of help. At...

Brighter Hope

Date: Spring 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 358

Ramsey, Isle of Man;—At 5.17 on the evening of the 22nd of May, 1951, the coastguard telephoned that a ship seemed to be on fire six miles east- north-east of Queens Pier. Later on, he reported that she was a drifter and had been taken in...

The S.S. Manolito

Date: March 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 375

Penlee, Cornwall.—On the afternoon of the 13th of October, 1955, the Port Medical Officer reported that a man in the S.S. Manolito, of Costa Rica, had been injured. At 4.15 the life-boat W. and S. was launched and went to Newlyn for a doctor...

None (4)

Date: March 1962

Volume: 37

Issue: 399

Galway Bay. On the 13th December, 1961, the Assistant Commissionei of Irish Lights asked the honorary secre- tary if the life-boat would take a sick keeper off the Slyne Head lighthouse when the weather permitted. At the time of his request...

John Willment

Date: March 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 383

Cromer, Norfolk.—At 4.20 on the afternoon of the 26th of October, 1957, the coastguard reported that the skipper of the trawler John Willment had found one of his crew in a state of collapse with no apparent heart-beat or pulse.


A Dinghy (5)

Date: September 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 389

Selsey, Sussex. At eight o'clock on the evening of the 4th of June, 1959, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small sailing dinghy had been reported submerged off Selsey east beach, with two people on...


Date: June 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 420

At ii p.m. on 30th December, 1966, news was received that there was a sick man on board the British ship Monks-garth which would be arriving at Mount's Bay at about 7.30 a.m. the following morning. The life-boat Solomon Browne was...

A Water-Logged Empty Boat

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946


At 12.2 in the morning the coastguard reported that cries for help could be heard off the coastguard lookout. A fresh westerly breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea. The motor life-boat The...

The S.S. Iris

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941

MARCH 18TH. - PORTHDINLLAEN, CAERNARVONSHIRE. At 6.14 P.M. information was received from the naval authorities at Holyhead, through the coastguard, that a vessel was on fire. A later message gave her position as 19 miles W.S.W.


None (1)

Date: Summer 2004

Volume: 59

Issue: 569

Mass rescue by RNLI Beach Lifeguards Brilliant sunshine and perfect surf conditions drew large numbers of people to North Cornwall at the end of May this year. Adults and children were enjoying swimming and playing in the water between the...