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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Dutch Oil Tanker Georgia (1)

Date: February 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 293

AT 8.30, in the evening of 21st November, 1927, the Motor Life-boat at Great Yarmouth and Gorleston was launched in response to a wireless message received from s.s. Trent that help was urgently required to save the lives of the crew of the...

She Is Ex-Lifeboat the Three Sisters (On771),

Date: Summer 1997

Volume: 55

Issue: 541

• She is ex-lifeboat The Three Sisters (ON771), a 35ft motor Liverpool lifeboat. She was stationed at Coverack, Cornwall, between 1934 and 1954 where she launched 26 times saving 61 lives. She was sold out of service in 1964 and has had a... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Summary of Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: November 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 296

Thursday, 15th March, 1928.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution : Miss A. Hall (additional donation) . . £50 To be...

Category: Committee

A U.S.A. Liberator Aeroplane (1)

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

DECEMBER 30TH. - EASTBOURNE, AND HASTINGS, SUSSEX. At about four o’clock in the afternoon the coastguard informed the Eastbourne life-boat station that a U.S.A.

Liberator aeroplane had come down in the sea off Pevensey Bay....

Leaving the Wreck, Coxswain Blogg Then Runs the Life-Boat on the Beach

Date: February 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 317

Leaving The Wreck Coxswain Blogg Then Runs The Life-Boat on the Beach. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Catching Them Young

Date: Autumn 2001

Volume: 58

Issue: 558

Cullercoats lifeboat station's newest recruit was so keen to join the crew that he applied on his 17th birthday - the minimum age for RNLI crew. Scott Jones has several seasons' experience as a life guard and had been lending a hand... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Life-Saving Stations of the World

Date: November 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 296

IT is hoped to publish in the next issue of The Li/eboat an article on a " List of Life-saving Stations of the World, with their Equipment and Geographical Positions," issued by the International Hydrographic Bureau at Monaco, in...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

[WE resume our Reports, which bad been unavoidably postponed, of the Services of the Life-boats of the Institution.] TENET, :SOUTH WALES.—On the 27th October, 1867, during a strong gale of wind, the Florence life-boat put off, in reply to...

Category: Services

The Nile

Date: February 1891

Volume: 14

Issue: 159

CAISTER, NORFOLK.—At about 5.30 A.M.

on the 29th October, during a strong breeze from the W.S.W.,and thick weatheraccompanied by rain, rockets were fired from the Cross Sand Light-vessel. The Caister No. 2 Life-boat Godsend...

Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1907

Date: May 1908

Volume: 20

Issue: 228

Jan. 10.—Voted the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and framed, and 11.10s. each to five men, one of whom was the Coxswain of the Poole Life-boat, for rescuing at great personal risk .one of two men whose boat was capsized on...

Category: Articles