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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Date: Summer 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 355

St. Ives, Cornwall.—At 4.35 in the afternoon, on the 2nd of July, 1950, the Hayle police reported a man outside the breakers off Gwithian beach, a bather, missing. At 4.58 the life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched,...


Date: Summer 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 355

Peel, Isle of Man.—Shortly after one •o'clock on the afternoon of the 15th •of August, 1950, the harbour master notified the honorary secretary that the local fishing yawl Ruby, overdue with a <^rew of two, had broken down at White...

Tor Spray

Date: Summer 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 355

Campbeltown, Argyllshire. — About •8.45 in the evening, on the 16th of August, 1950, the Southcnd Coast- guard telephoned that a small vessel had been reported oil a reef at Arran- man's Barrels Buoy, Macharioch. At 9.13 the life-boat...


Date: December 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 378

Moelfre, Anglesey.—At 4.30 on the morning of the 29th of July, 1956, a man telephoned the coxswain to say that he had seen red flares out to sea.

The life-boat Watkin Williams was launched in a very rough sea with a strong...


Date: December 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 378

Port St. Mary, Isle of Man.—Shortly after midnight on the 4th of Septem- ber, 1956, the local harbourmaster reported that the motor fishing vessel Edna, with three men on board, was long overdue from a fishing trip be- tween Langness and...

The S.S. Mitcham

Date: June 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 372

Southend-on-Sea, Essex.—At 8.43 on the evening of the 4th of March, 1955, the coastguard rang up to say that the S.S. Mitcham, of London, which was at anchor half a mile south-east of Chap- man Light, had reported that her skipper was ill...

The Newarp Lightvessel

Date: Spring 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 365

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.—At 9.38 on the night of the 16th of March, 1953, the Gorleston coastguard passed on a report from the Trinity House Superintendent that a member of the crew of the Newarp lightvessel had been injured...


Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

During a strong easterly gale on the llth Decem- ber the French schooner La Fiancee, of Paimpol, came into Campbeltown Harbour for shelter. She let go her anchors, but owing to the strength of the gale the anchors dragged, and the vessel...

Silver Wave

Date: October 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 433

Port St. Mary, Isle of Man - At 4.30 p.m. on 28th March, 1970, the life-boat's motor mechanic told the honorary secretary that a fishing boat was signalling for assistance off Scarlet point. After confirmation from the coastguard the...

The S.S. Lindi

Date: December 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 390

Penlee, Cornwall. At eight o'clock on the morning of the 19th of July, 1959, the life-boat W and S was launched at the request of the port medical officer to take him to the s.s. Lindi of Antwerp, as one of her crew was very ill. There...