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103 search results for 'hopelyn'
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The Centenary: In London. Gold Medallists Decorated By the King

Date: December 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 282

DURING its first century the Institution awarded its Gold Medal for gallantry and conspicuous service in saving life from shipwreck, ninety-five times. Fourteen Gold Medals were also awarded for other forms of service to the Institution, but...

Category: Medals

Coxswain William Fleming, G.C.

Date: December 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 370

WILLIAM FLEMING, former coxswain of the Gorleston life-boat, died on the 30th of September, 1954, at the age of 89.

He was born in 1865 and first served as a member of the Gorleston crew before he was twenty. He became...

Category: Obituaries

Three Medal Services. Donna Nook, Lincolnshire; Humber, Yorkshire; Gorleston, Suffolk

Date: March 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 286

ON 25th November, just before eight o'clock in the morning, the Donna Nook Life-boat went out in answer to signals of distress. The conditions could not have been worse. A whole gale was blowing from the north. A tremendous sea was...

Category: Medals

Centenaries of Life-Boat Stations

Date: November 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 300

Presentation of Vellums signed by the Prince of Wales.

DURING the present year the Institution has presented Vellums to thirteen Stations which have been in existence for a century and over. Reports of seven of these...

Category: Articles

Notes and News

Date: March 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 278

THE Institution has now entered on the hundredth year of its existence. Its first century will actually be completed on 4th March, 1924. On that day, in 1824, a meeting was held in the City of London Tavern, with the Archbishop of Canterbury...

Category: Articles

A Silver Medal Service By the Newburgh Life-Boat

Date: December 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 280

A VERY fine service in which the crew of the Newburgh Life-boat and men of H.M. Destroyers Vampire and Vendetta played a gallant part, took place on October 19th, the anniversary of the wreck of the Hopelyn last year, off Belhelvie, near...

Category: Medals

Annual Meeting

Date: June 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 279

THE Ninety-ninth Annual General Meeting of THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION was held at the Eolian Hall, New Bond Street, S.W. 1, on Tuesday, 17th April, 1923, at 3 p. m., Admiral of the Fleet, the Earl Beatty, G.C.B., O.M. (First...

Category: Meetings

Imperial Prince

Date: December 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 280

A VERY fine service in which the crew of the Newburgh Life-boat and men of H.M. Destroyers Vampire and Vendetta played a gallant part, took place on October 19th, the anniversary of the wreck of the Hopelyn last year, off Belhelvie, near...

Notes and News

Date: November 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 277

ELSEWHERE in this issue will be found full accounts of services performed by the Life-boats at Lowestoft, Gorles- ton, Spurn and Stromness, for each of which the Committee have made special awards of the Institution's medals for...

Category: Articles

Book Reviews

Date: Spring 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 460

O There cannot be many works of fiction based on the lifeboat service and of these few are likely to ring true to the men who man the boats. Although the majority of people would say that they are well acquainted with the RNLI, its lifeboats...

Category: Articles