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Notes of the Quarter

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

ONE lesson which has emerged from the large deficit incurred last year is that the R.N.L.I. not only needs more money; it needs money from new sources. The work of the voluntary branches will always be the mainstay of the Institution's...

Category: Articles

Mayor of Poole Picks the Winners

Date: Spring 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 552

Councillor Bill Wratham, the Mayor of Poole, (pictured left with David Brann, RNLI Marketing Manager) dropped by RNLI Headquarters in April to draw the winning tickets of the 89th national lifeboat lottery.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Life of Henry Blogg

Date: September 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 385

IN his Henry Blogg of Cromer (Harrap I5/-), Mr. Cyril Jolly has undertaken with considerable success the important task of writing the biography of the life-boat coxswain who received the most medals for gallantry and won the greatest...

Category: Articles

Mr Raymond Baxter the Well Known BBC's Personality Signing Autographs at the Spring Fair Organised By the Rugby Branch of the RNLI at the Benn Memorial Hall

Date: January 1973

Volume: 42

Issue: 442

Mr. Raymond Baxter, the well known B.B.C.'s personality, signing autographs at the Spring Fair organised by the Rugby branch of the R.N.L.I. at the Benn Memorial Hall, Rugby, on 15th April, 1972, when £1,504 was raised.

<... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Shielding Themselves from the Cold and Wet Determined and Enthusiastic Rnli Supporters Assemble for the Naming Ceremony of the Lady of Hilbre By Hrh the Duke

Date: Autumn 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 518

Shielding themselves from the cold and wet, determined and enthusiastic RNLI supporters assemble for the naming ceremony of the Lady of Hilbre by HRH The Duke of Kent. Photo Jeff Morris. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Fortieth Anniversary of the Service to the "Eider."

Date: February 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 309

ON the night of Sunday, the 31st Janu- ary, 1892, the four-masted steamer Eider, of Bremen, of 4,719 tons, the Norddeutscher Lloyd, stranded on the reef of rocks in the Isle of Wight, known as Atherfield Ledge. There was a thick fog, the...

Category: Articles

Festival In Aid of the Funds of the National Shipwreck Institution

Date: January 1854

Volume: 01

Issue: 11

IN the early part of March next, it is intended to hold a Public Dinner, in the City, in aid of the funds of the above Institution, and for the purpose of bringing the Society and its objects prominently before the country. His Grace the...

Category: Articles

The Isle of Man from Page 17

Date: Winter 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 471

from page 17 married James Ritchie, whose family were the owners of the brewery Heron and Brearley, and she has stayed for a lifetime. Her present home, not far from the boathouse, looks out over Ramsey Bay, and as the years have gone by her...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: September 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 421

Last year the Institution had a deficit of nearly £124,000, and the figures for revenue and expenditure at the end of the first six months of the present year indicate that in 1967 there is every likelihood of an even larger deficit. At...

Category: Articles

The 52Ft Arun Lifeboat Richard Evans

Date: Summer 1981

Volume: 47

Issue: 477

The 52ft Arun lifeboat Richard Evans at her naming. In background. Galway's 52ft Burnett lifeboat Frank Spiller Locke. photographs by courtesy of Colin Watson. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs