3 June: In high winds and rough seas, a dismasted yacht drifted towards the dangerous cliffs and tidal race of St Alban’s Head, Dorset. The yacht had been swamped and her cockpit filled with water. Swanage’s...
Category: Articles
WHEN A LIFEBOAT reaches a vessel in distress in gale or storm force winds she has come to the heart of her problem; how best the people on board may be brought safely to shore. Can she go alongside and take off the survivors. Or is there a...
Category: Articles
MKDAUJS IS SHOVVKI) 'BRAVKRV AM) KXPKKTISK Sailor rescued as yacht is driven on to lee shore The coxswain and helmsman of Whitby's two lifeboats, the 44ft Waveney White Rose of Yorkshire and the D class inflatable Gwynaeth, have both...
Category: Services
THE R.N.L.I., as a result of the Fraserburgh inquiry, has been widely discussed in the press and debated on television. Many letters have been received at headquarters, including a large number following the Public Relation Officer's...
Category: Articles
Crew member swims to stranded yacht Wells' Mersey class lifeboat Doris M. Mann of Ampthill was called to the aid of a 28ft yacht which was stranded on Blakeney Point on 31 July 1993, rescuing the yacht the two adults and two children on...
FOUR other naming ceremonies were held in England, in June and July, 1950, at Seaham, Clovelly, Hastings, and Teesmouth.
Seaham The new Seaham life-boat lias been built out of a legacy from the late Miss Elizabeth Elmy, of...
Category: Inaugurations
The RNLI is working nationally with many safety-related bodies to promote safety at sea, but the Island Cruising Club and its local lifeboat station are already working well together...
Richard Johnstone-Bryden reports from...
Category: Articles
RESCUE FROM YACHT AT THIRD ATTEMPT Humber, Yorkshire. At 10.27 on the morning of the 16th February, 1962, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that a yacht was in •difficulties two miles north-east-bynoith of Grimsby. The life...
YACHT IGNORES FLARES AND SIGNALS Whitby, Yorkshire. About 11.20 on the night of Saturday the 17th of August.
1963, the coastguard reported to the honorary secretary that a yacht was standing into danger near Saltwick...
On the 8th April, during very stormy weather, with the wind at N.E.
and a very heavy sea running, signals of distress were shown from the yacht Oruiskeen Lawn, of Wexford, which vessel was stranded on the north end of the...