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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Rye Life-Boat Disaster

Date: September 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 299

The Mayor of Rye's Fund; Mcmcrials to the Seventeen Life-boatmen.

ON 22nd June a meeting was held between the Attorney-General (Sir William* Jowitt, E.G.) and the Trustees of the Fund which the Mayor of Rye raised for...

Category: Articles


Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945


At 9.33 at night the Great Yarmouth coastguard reported that the local fishing smack Crecy was in need of help off Corton. The weather was foggy, a light easterly breeze blowing, and the sea...

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: February 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 309

Thursday, 8th October, 1931.

Special Meeting.

Sir GODFREY BABINO, Bt., in the Chair.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bfc., Chairman of the Committee of Management, presented to Sir GEORGE-SHEE a Gold...

Category: Committee

Summary of Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: November 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 288

Thursday, 17th June, 1926.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Appointed Mr. F. T. W. WINTER, District Organizing Secretary for the Midlands area, in place of Commander R. W. M. LLOYD, D.S.O., R.N.,...

Category: Committee

£207 By Photography

Date: February 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 309

ADMIRAL STUART NICHOLSON, C.B., M.V.O., D.L., who has been Honorary Secretary of the Bude Branch since 1921, and was presented last year with the Gold Badge, has contributed £207 to the funds of the Branch by photography, principally by...

Category: Donations

Report of the Royal Commission on Harbours of Refuge

Date: July 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 37

THERE are few matters of greater importance to a maritime country like England than the preservation and improvement of its harbours. To the extent of our sea-coast, and the bountiful distribution of safe and commodious harbours on so many...

Category: Articles

The Late George Palmer, Esq.

Date: July 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 09

WE recently had to record the death of our late valued Chairman, Mr. WILSON, and now his old friend and coadjutor in the cause of humanity, Mr, PALMER, late Deputy- Chairman of the Royal Shipwreck Institution, and Inventor of the Life-boats...

Category: Obituaries

Doris and Ben Tart: the Story of the Dungeness Lifeboat Station Is Not Only the Story of Their Boat—It Is the Story of Their Own People Photograph By Courtesy of the Kent Mes

Date: Spring 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 452

Doris and Ben Tart: the story of the Dungeness lifeboat station is not only the story of their boat—it is the story of their own people. - View image in PDF

Photograph by courtesy of the Kent Messenger.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Restoration of the Apparently Drowned

Date: July 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 77

THIS important subject, so intimately con- nected with the work of the NATIONAL LIFE BOAT INSTITUTION, has from time to time been treated of in our columns; but it is one of such general interest that any later information on the subject...

Category: Articles

Reform of the Mercantile Marine

Date: August 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 101

A VERY remarkable change in public opinion on the subject of the British mercantile marine has been wrought within the last few years; and none of the current topics of the day engross so large a share of the grave interest of reformers,...

Category: Articles