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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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The Wreck of the Trawler Skegness. Eleven Lives Lost on the Yorkshire Coast

Date: March 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 325

Eleven Lives Lost on the Yorkshire Coast.

ON the evening of 24th September, 1935, the steam trawler Skegness, of Hull, returning to Hull from the Faroes, with eleven men on board, went ashore under Speeton Cliffs on the...

Category: Services

Wreck of the Indian Chief. Noble Services of the "Bradford" Life-Boat

Date: February 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 119

THE accompanying graphic accounts of the wreck of the Indian Chief, and of the noble rescue of a portion of her crew by the Bradford self-righting Life-boat, sta- tioned at Ramsgate, appeared in the Daily Telegraph on the 11th and 18th Jan.,...

Category: Articles

The Wreck Register for 1855

Date: January 1857

Volume: 03

Issue: 23

Click 'View original layout'

Category: Articles

Sixteen Men Rescued from Wreck

Date: September 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 373

ON the 26th of April, 1955, the S.S.

Germania, of Piraeus, ran ashore to the east of Beachy Head. During the next ten days a number of salvage boats went out to her, and at 4.30 on the afternoon of the 6th of May Coxswain...

Category: Services

U.S. Surf-Boat Going Out to a Wreck

Date: December 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 280

US Surf-Boat Going Out To A Wreck. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Wreck of the Trawler "White Rose" Near Aberdeen

Date: March 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 301

The Wreck of the Trawler "White Rose" Near Aberdeen. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Wreck of a Finnish Motor Ship. Thirty Lives Lost In the Orkneys

Date: October 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 331

IN the early morning of 12th January, 1937, a Finnish motor ship, the Johanna Thorden, passed through the Pentland Firth, between the north of Scotland and the Orkneys, on her way from New York to Gothenburg. She had thirty- eight on board,...

Category: Services

Wreck and Rescue In the Bristol Channel

Date: September 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 421

Wreck and Rescue in the Bristol Channel by Grahame Farr (D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, 305.) tells in the first of two volumes the story of the English life- boats in those waters.

Of the life-boat stations detailed in...

Category: Articles

Taking Shipwrecked Persons from a Wreck, and Their Stowage In a Life-Boat

Date: July 1856

Volume: 02

Issue: 21

As the running before a heavy broken sea is the most dangerous operation which a life-boat has to perform, and its safe execu- tion may often depend, not only on the skilful management of the oars or sails and steerage, but also on the...

Category: Articles

The Wreck of Two Welsh Trawlers. Six Awards for Gallant Service

Date: September 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 287

IN the early morning of 14th February, with a heavy sea running, a Welsh steam-trawler, the Tenby Castle, went ashore on the rocks in Clifden Bay, Con- nemara, on the west of Ireland, a coast where there are many rocky islands, the great...

Category: Awards