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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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A Dinghy

Date: December 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 426

Barrow, Lancashire - At 1.23 a.m.

on 23rd August, 1968, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small dinghy was overdue from a fishing trip offBiggar bank. The life-boat Herbert Leigh was launched at 1.45. It...

None (10)

Date: June 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 416

MEDICAL AID At 9.48 a.m. on 26th January, 1966, the local ferryman informed the honorary secretary that the resident doctor on the island of Jura requested assistance in conveying a sick patient from the Feolin Pier to Port...


Date: September 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 417

OFF PENZANCE At 3 p.m. on 29th March, 1966, the honorary secretary was informed that the life-boat would be required to bring a sick man off the Greek vessel Proodos. At 6.10 the life-boat Solomon Browne was launched in a light north...

Rfd Inflatables Ltd

Date: Spring 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 472

RFD are pioneers in the field of inflatable equipment.

They were the first company to introduce automatic inflation — the first to produce canopied liferafts - the first to receive Government Approval for liferafts on...

Category: Advertisement

A Small Rowing Boat

Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945

OCTOBER 17TH. - BRIDLINGTON, YORKSHIRE. At eight at night the coastguard reported that a man who had gone out fishing in a small rowing boat at one o’clock had not returned. There was thick fog. A light westerly wind was blowing and the sea...


Date: Autumn 2017

Volume: 61

Issue: 621 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2017

What will you discover this autumn?

The ‘back to school’ feeling is a receding memory for many of us, but I still find autumn brings a clean slate and the instinct to try something new. This issue, we meet volunteers who...

Category: Articles

A clearer picture

Date: 2011

Volume: 61

Issue: 595 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2011

The RNLI’s Wreck Chart of the British Isles for 1854 (excerpt shown left) states: ‘Loss of life (as far as can be ascertained) 1,549.’ Two years earlier, the Lifeboat admitted that: ‘No complete record of shipwrecks is kept …’ but the quoted...

Category: Articles

The Wherry Daniel Yorke

Date: February 1885

Volume: 12

Issue: 135

KAMSET, ISLE OF MAN.— The Two Sisters Life-boat was launched at about 10.45 A.M. on the 31st October, signals of distress having been shown by a wherry which was riding heavily about three miles N.E. of the harbour during a whole gale from...

A Small Boat

Date: June 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 318

On the after- noon of the 3rd March a man told the coxswain that a boat was drifting off Howth. A strong N.W. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea.

The motor life-boat Lady Kylsant put out at 3.10 P.M., and about three...

None (5)

Date: March 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 371

Galway Bay.—At one o'clock on the afternoon of the 10th of December, 1954, the doctor at Kilronan asked if the life-boat would take an eighty- three-year-old man in urgent need of surgical treatment from Inishmaine Island to the mainland...