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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Daunt Rock Lightvessel

Date: December 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 352

Ballycotton, Co. Cork.—At 12.30 in the morning of the llth of October, 1949; the Civic Guard reported that a radio message had been picked up by the Roches Point Lighthouse, stating that the S.S. Glengariffe had wirelessed that the Daunt...

Services of the Life-Boats of the Institution During 1954

Date: June 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 372

Persons Time of rescued from 1954. Launching. shipwreck.

Jan. 6. 2.0 p.m. Fishing coble Provider. Flamborough life-boat escorted boat.

„ 6. 4.0 p.m. Fishing boats Betty...

Category: Services


Date: Autumn 2016

Volume: 61

Issue: 617 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2016

In a widely publicised rescue, lifeboat crews from Dover and Walmer helped save 34 teenagers and two adults, stranded at the bottom of the cliffs. The group were on a...

Category: Articles

How the Women Launched the Life-Boat. (From the Toilers of the Deep.)

Date: November 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 202

THE little cliff-side village In sleepy stillness lay, When the fishers' boats, at daybreak, Set sail from Bunswick Bay.

" God keep our sons and husbands, And bring them safely home I " Was the prayer that...

Category: Poetry

A 24-Hour Darts Marathon Was Staged Last March By the Darts Team of the Royal William Camber In Aid of Rye Harbour Ilb and Dungeness Lifeboat Stations Althoug

Date: Summer 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 469

A 24-hour darts marathon was staged last March by the darts team of the Royal William, Camber, in aid of Rye Harbour ILB and Dungeness lifeboat stations. Although only 200 people live in Camber there was no shortage of helpers and in the 24... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The French Chasse-Maree Eleanore, of Nantes

Date: July 1865

Volume: 05

Issue: 57

On the night of the 4th November a French chasse-maree, the JSleanore, of Nantes, was driven on shore on the West Sand off Blakeney, the wind blowing hard from N.N.W., and the night hazy. At daylight the vessel was seen from the shore, and...

The Services of Old Age. Workers of 85 and 95 Years

Date: November 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 304

Workers of 85 and 95 years.

IT is no very uncommon thing to find Life-boatmen able to continue on active service until they have passed the three score years and ten ; but it is not only in the Life-boats that old age...

Category: Articles

List of Special Gifts to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution for the Purchase of the Following Life-Boats

Date: April 1868

Volume: 06

Issue: 68

1856. Hornsea, Yorkshire.

1858. Skerries, Co. Dublin 1861. Aberystwith. . .

1857 Walmer 1857. Seaton Carew 1858. Fraserburgh . . .

1858. Carnsore, Co. Wexford 1859. Exmoath 1859. Lizard ....

Category: Donations

Laying the Foundation Stone of the Eastbourne New Life-Boat House

Date: November 1898

Volume: 17

Issue: 190

WITH the hearty co-operation of His Grace the Duke of DEVONSHIRE, who is the Mayor of Eastbourne and the Free- holder, and the Corporation of Eastbourne, the lessees, an admirable Bite for a new Life-boat house has recently been pro- vided...

Category: Articles

(Lcft)Cannock Branch'Afloat Dressed for the Town's Flower Festival and Retained for Flag Day Was Decorated With Hundreds of Flowers Made By Committee Members Th

Date: Autumn 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 462

(Lcft)Cannock branch'afloat, dressed for the town's flower festival and retained for flag day, was decorated with hundreds of flowers made by committee members. The Muppets were the work of Mrs Beryl Lewis, (r. to I.) Mrs Barbara... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs