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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Date: August 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 141

At midnight on the 8th of March the look-out man reported a vessel on shore.

A strong S.E. wind was blowing at the time and the sea was heavy. The Good Hope .was launched and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the...

Kezia, of Sunderland

Date: July 1863

Volume: 05

Issue: 49

The schooner Kezia, of Sunderland, having got on shore on the Barber Sand during the night of January 15, blowing fresh from E.N.E., showed signals of distress, which being observed by the Caistor boatmen, they immediately launched the...


Date: February 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 215

Shortly before 11 P.M. on the 18th May it was reported that a vessel was showing signals of distress on the north side of the harbour. The Life-boat Civil Service No. 5 was launched and proceeded to her assistance. The weather was very...


Date: February 1897

Volume: 16

Issue: 183

The Hoylake Life-boat was again afloat on service on the 25th September on the occasion of the flat Catharine, of Liver-pool, going ashore about a mile from the Life-boat Station daring a whole gale from the north and a very heavy...


Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

At 7.15 A.M. on the 29th October the Coastguard reported that a vessel was ashore about a mile north of Rattray Head. The crew of the No. 2 Motor Life-boat Alexander TullvcJt were at once summoned and the boat proceeded with all possible...

Concerning Public Opinion on the Mercantile Marine, and the Corporate Interests Connected Therewith

Date: January 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 75

THE "British Public" has of late mani- fested a considerable degree of dissatisfac- tion at the general state of the Mercantile Marine, a dissatisfaction which is none the less real in fact because it can hardly be said—at least in...

Category: Articles


Date: February 1897

Volume: 16

Issue: 183

CAISTER, NORFOLK, and GORLESTON, SUFFOLK.— On the afternoon of the 7th November, during hazy weather, signal guns were heard from the St. Nicholas Lightship off the coast of Norfolk, in response to which the Gorleston Life-boat Mark Lane was...

The Oar

Date: October 1861

Volume: 04

Issue: 42

PROBABLY the most ancient mode of propelling boats through the water by hand labour was by means of oars of nearly the same shape, and worked in the same manner, as those now in use. And to all appearance there is no likelihood of a change,...

Category: Articles

Carmania II, of Grimsby

Date: February 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 297


About 4 on the morning of the 14th February three messengers from different houses in Invertown brought the Honorary Secretary the news that a steamer, which was found afterwards to be the trawler Carmania II.,...

Institution's Divisional Inspectors of Lifeboats By Joan Davies

Date: Autumn 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 462

A MONDAY MORNING IN JUNE, and a divisional inspector of lifeboats waits on an airfield for an early flight. An odd place, perhaps, to pick up the story of the day to day life of a DI, but then this DI's territory takes in an island and...

Category: Articles