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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Life-Boat's Crew

Date: January 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 71

Adapted by THOMAS GBAY (1868), from the " Heart of Oak," by DAVID GAEEICK (1759). if-uar- — — . -j. 7 - -m-'-m- res ! see ! they are off, though dear friends bid them stay, 5rave boat, 'neath their still braver hearts...

Category: Songs

The Madeleine

Date: February 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 123

At half-past four on the morning of Sunday, the 23rd October, a coastguardman, on the look-out near the quiet little seaside town of Clacton, saw a signal rocket fired from, the Gunfleet Floating Lightship, which told of a wreck on the...

The Yachtsmen's Life-Boat Supporters' Association By Commander F R H Swann OBE RNVR

Date: March 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 427

IT has always been a comforting feeling for yachtsmen to know that if they are in trouble off the coasts of the United Kingdom or Ireland and can make a distress signal by visual means or R/T, a life-boat will come to their assistance...

Category: Articles

"Heroes of the Sea." Over a Thousand Pounds Made by a Life-Boat Film

Date: June 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 314

Over a Thousand Pounds made by a Life-boat Film.

IN 1930 British International Pictures made a film called " The Lady from the Sea," in which the principal inci- dent was a life-boat rescue. Part of the scenes...

Category: Articles

The Screw Steamship Ingerid

Date: May 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 120

The service of the same Life-boat on the 20th January, is thus reported in The East Anglian Daily Times :— "Those who were on Harwich pier between nine and ten on the morning of the 21st January, will not readily forget the scene...

Services by Life-boats

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

Services by the Life-boats of the Institution, by Shore-boats and by Auxiliary Rescueboats during 1946 During the year life-boats were launched 631 times..

Category: Services

The Women of Newbiggin

Date: February 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 289

Award of the Thanks of the institution Inscribed on Vellum.

ON the morning of January 26th, the whole of the Newbiggin fishing fleet had gone out in fine weather, but while they were at sea a sudden gale sprang up. By...

Category: Awards

Dublin Spring Sale By Joan Davies

Date: Spring 1981

Volume: 47

Issue: 476

DROP A PEBBLE into the water, and who knows where the ripples will end? Fifteen years ago Mrs Montague Kavanagh suggested that the Dublin Lifeboat Committee should hold an annual sale of work as a major fundraising effort. In essence it was...

Category: Articles

The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc

Date: Summer 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 533

AFFINITY WITH The Royal Bank Qf Scot,and p,c DO YOU USE A CREDIT CARD? y* The Rpy?l Bank If you do, or you are considering re-arranging your finances in any way you could be helping directly to fund the RNLI with every transaction you...

Category: Advertisement

The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc

Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

A FFTNFTT V WTT W AFFINITY WITH DO YOU USE A CREDIT CARD? If you do, or you are considering re-arranging your finances in any way you could be helping directly to fund the RNLI with every transaction you make.

Not only will...

Category: Advertisement