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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Life-Boat Services of the World: Belgium

Date: November 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 285

By E. Pierrard, Director-General for the Belgian Marine Administration.THE establishment of the Service for the Saving of the Shipwrecked on the Belgian coast dates from 1838, when the Belgian Government decided to provide an organization....

Category: Articles


Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

WHITBY, YORKSHIRE On the 23rd February, 1946, the Whitby life-boat rescued a member of the crew of the fishing boat Easter Morn, who was washed overboard.

LIFE-BOATMAN JOHN ROBERT HARLAND was awarded the silver...

Category: Medals

The Blackwater Lightvessel

Date: Winter 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 364

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford.—On the 23rd of January, 1953, the Irish Lights Commissioners asked if the life- boat would land a man from the Black- water Lightvessel. His sister had died in Wexford, and the Commissioners' own boat was...

None (3)

Date: December 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 386

Swanage, Dorset. At 2.25 on the afternoon of the 27th of July, 1958, the honorary secretary received a message from the Swanage ambulance station that a man had fallen down the cliffs near Ballard Point. At 2.41 the life- boat R.L.P. was...

The Folkestone Branch

Date: June 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 314

No one of the 1,136 branches of the institution can equal in the number of its activities the record of Folke- stone for the first three months of the year. There were nine in all— in January a lecture and a dance, in February a bridge party...

Category: Branches

For Quiet Nights

Date: December 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 18

Four people in Leeds, two husbands and wives, sent the Instititution a pound in July 1941. It was a penny from each of them in gratitude for each night that they had had free from air-raids. They continued that thankoffering for every quiet...

Category: Articles

None (23)

Date: December 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 418

Aith, Shetlands - At 9 p.m. on 6th August, 1966, the local doctor informed the honorary secretary that an injured man on Foula Island urgently needed hospital attention. At 10.15 the life-boat John and Frances Macfarlane left her moorings...

A Boat (2)

Date: March 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 419

Dover, Kent - At 4.50 p.m. on I5th October, 1966, a man was seen waving a white flag in a small boat about three quarters of a mile off the coast midway between Dover and Folkestone. The lifeboat Southern Africa left her moorings at 5.23. It...

Rosemary (1)

Date: September 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 413

Newhaven, Sussex. At 1.32 a.m. on I2th June, 1965, the honorary secretary learnt from the coastguard that an open fishing boat, Rosemary, with one man on board was seven hours overdue. The lifeboat Kathleen Mary was launched at 2.15 in thick...

H.R.H. The Prince George, K.G., at Aldeburgh. Inaugural Ceremony of the New Motor Life-Boat

Date: September 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 311

ON 27th May, H.R.H. the Prince George, K.G., named the new Motor Life-boat stationed at Aldeburgh, Suffolk. This is the seventh Motor Life-boat to be named by the Prince.

The Aldeburgh boat is the first of a new type...

Category: Inaugurations