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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Centenary: In the North of England

Date: December 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 282


Century Life-boat Days were held at Crewe, Hollingworth, Nantwich, Sand- bach and Whaley Bridge.

Poynton had a House-to-House Col- lection.

Congleton had a Garden...

Category: Articles

The Life-Belt Used By the Crews of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: May 1902

Volume: 18

Issue: 204

The requisite qualities of a Life-boat man's life- belt are— 1. Sufficient extra buoyancy, 22 Ibs., to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, or to enable him to support another person besides himself...

Category: Articles

Tonnage Admeasurement. Report of the Royal Commission on Tonnage

Date: November 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 122

FOR very many years the question as to the fairest mode of calculating the tonnage or carrying power of ships has been a vexed and important one. It would, of itself, be one of much less importance were it not that dock-dues, harbour-dues,...

Category: Articles

The Fundraisers

Date: Autumn 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 510

Yankie Doodle Dandy Children attending Lakenheath American Elementary school at RAF Lakenheath ran laps for four days in support of the RNLI.

Nearly 1,300children took part in theevent and raised £4,353 in sponsorship...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: August 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 217

SKEGNESS, LINCOLNSHIRE.—On the 6th January two members of the Life- boat's crew were out fishing in one of the small boats belonging to Skegness, when a north-westerly gale sprang up, and shortly after three o'clock in the after-...

Category: Services

Below View of the Visitors Centre Front Entrance

Date: Autumn 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 546

Below View of the visitors centre front entrance This photograph was taken by RNLt shoreworks manager. Howard Ritchings. who obviously enjoyed better weather. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Chairmanship of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 279

AT the April meeting of the Committee of Management a letter was received from Earl Waldegrave, P.C., intimating that in view of the fact that he no longer resides in London, and that his health is not quite as good as might be wished, he...

Category: Committee

Services by Lifeboats

Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945

Services by the Life-boats of the Institution, by Shore-boats and by Auxiliary Rescue boats during 1945 During the year life-boats were launched 497 times. Of these launches 118 were to vessels and aeroplanes in distress through attack by...

Category: Services

Left: Coxswain Thomas Clarkson of Lytham

Date: Winter 1986

Volume: 49

Issue: 495

Left: Coxswain Thomas Clarkson of Lytham who successfully rescued the Mexico's crew of 12. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Civil Service Life-Boats

Date: November 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 312

Inaugural Ceremonies at Donaghadee (Co. Down) and Whitehills (Banffshire).

DURING the present year the Inaugural Ceremonies have taken place of two new Motor Life-boats which are gifts to the Institution from the Civil...

Category: Inaugurations