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Notes of the Quarter

Date: January 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 434

ANYONE who has studied with care the transcript of evidence before the Sheriff's Court in Aberdeen, which investigated the causes of the capsize of the Fraserburgh life-boat last January, and the findings of the court itself, must be...

Category: Articles

The Fundraisers

Date: Summer 1988

Volume: 51

Issue: 505

Battle royal The peace of the Glasgow afternoon was shattered by the sound of rocket and gunfire and the waiting crowd watched with tense expectation. A variety of lifeboats stood by waiting for the call as the Russian battle fleet closed in...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: October 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 433

THE weekend of 15th/16th August, 1970, was the busiest the life-boat service has known in its entire history. Winds of force 10 or more were blowing, and there was a spate of activity by both life-boats and inshore rescue boats, par-...

Category: Articles

Poole Lifeboat the 44' Waveney Augustine Courtauld on Saturday October 1 Went to the Help of a Catamaran Sparkle In Difficulty With Engine Failure One Mile East Of

Date: Autumn 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 462

Poole lifeboat, the 44' Waveney Augustine Courtauld, on Saturday, October 1, went to the help of a catamaran Sparkle, in difficulty with engine failure one mile east of Hengistbury Head. The wind was west north west, near gale force 7,... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Memories of International Conferences By Patrick Howarth

Date: Spring 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 448

The first international lifeboat conference was held in London in 1924, the centenary year of the RNLI; the first international lifeboat exhibition is being held at Plymouth this summer to celebrate our 150th...

Category: Articles


Date: Summer 2018

Volume: 61

Issue: 624 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2018

Celebrating the RNLI family, past and present

Happy birthday, Frammy!
A former Whitby crew member recently celebrated his 90th birthday. He served on the lifeboat from 1951 to 1975. Ronnie Frampton, known...

Category: Articles

The Life-Belt Used By the Crews of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: May 1900

Volume: 17

Issue: 196

The requisite qualities of a Life-boat man's life- belt are— 1. Sufficient extra buoyancy, 22 Ibs., to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, or to enable him to support another person besides...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: July 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 440

THE Queen's decision to name the new life-boat, The Royal British Legion Jubilee, at Henley-on- Thames on 17th July means that for the first time ever a reigning sovereign will have named one of the R.N.L.I.'s life-boats. Queen...

Category: Articles

The Record of 1928

Date: February 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 297

NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT has been a year of splendid achievement for the Life-boat Service, overshadowed by a great tragedy.

During the year the Institution gave rewards for the rescue of no fewer than 591 lives....

Category: Annual Reports

Sketch of the Progress Made In the Construction of Coast Life-Boats. 1785-1900. No. 4

Date: February 1901

Volume: 18

Issue: 199

THE years 1850-1, next to the year 1785, were those of the greatest importance in the history of the Coast Life-boat, and in fact of- the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION also, for, as has often been pointed out, apathy in the Life-boat...

Category: Articles