ON the 22nd October, 1961, the motor vessel Halronell, on passage from New- port, Monmouthshire, to Haulbowline, Co. Cork, encountered heavy weather off the Coningbeg lightvessel, and her bridge was damaged. Her master deci- ded to return to...
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By Rear-Admiral FITZ-ROY, F.R.S.
KNOWING these circumstances, and having accurate statistical observations of these various currents, at selected outlying stations, showing pressure (or tension), temperature, and relative...
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IN our issue for November we published the second list of the Gold and Silver Medals voted by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to officers of the Royal Navy and Marines, in acknowledge- ment of their gallant deeds in saving life from...
Category: Medals
Edward Wake-Walker, the RNLI's Public Relations Officer, visited the United States to look at...
Charities - the American Way The PRO'S visit to the USA was a Churchill Travelling Fellowship, and the entire costs of...
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DURING June life-boats went out on service 39 times and rescued 27 lives.
HOPE FOR THE FISH HARVEST Longhope, Orkneys.—At 1.57 on the morning of the 1st of June, 1951, the Kirkwall coastguard telephoned that the fishing...
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THE variations in the readings of the barometer at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich which are delineated in the annexed diagram include a period of forty days, or from 27th October to 5th...
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October hurricane BRONZE MEDAL AT 0559 ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1987 during the height of the infamous hurricane which hit Southern England that day, Thames Coastguard MRSC reported to Coxswain/Mechanic Robin Castle, of Sheerness that red...
Dover, Kent.—At 7.15 P.M. on the 14th May, 1938, a man reported that he had seen an aeroplane come down in the sea about six miles S.E. of South Foreland.
A gentle S.S.W. breeze wasblowing, with a calm sea. The motor...