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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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The Scarweather Lightvessel

Date: Spring 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 358

The Mumbles, Glamorganshire. — At 10.50 on the morning of the 6th of April, 1951, the Trinity House Super- intendent asked if the life-boat could be launched to land a sick man from the Scarweather lightvessel. No other boat was available,...

The S.S. Kentwood

Date: Spring 1951

Volume: 33

Issue: 358

Lowestoft, Suffolk.—About noon on the 12th of May, 1951, the coastguard reported that the S.S. Kentwood, of London, lying off Gorton lightvessel, had asked if the life-boat could take a doctor to her to attend a sick man. At 12.45 in the...

Best Efforts By F R Davies

Date: Summer 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 485

HOW WOULD YOU react when confronted with three seven-year-old boys who had seen, say, a model you had built 15 years ago, and who wanted to build their own? Would you tell them that, because of inflation, it would cost three times as much...

Category: Articles

A Fishing Calendar for 1949

Date: October 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 347

ME. H. JENKINS, the Lowestoft photographer, whose photographs of lifeboats will be familiar to readers of The Life-boat (one of them will be found on page 212) has, for the eleventh year, produced a fishing fleet calendar. It has fourteen...

Category: Advertisement

Staying In Touch

Date: Summer 2007

Volume: 60

Issue: 581

STAYING IN TOUCH Are you a former RNLI station volunteer or staff member? The RNLI Family association can help you keep in touch if you are no longer so actively involved. When you join you’ll get a membership pack and two issues a year of...

Category: Articles

Fishermen rescued

Date: Summer 2012

Volume: 61

Issue: 600 Lifeboat Magazine Summer 2012

30 January: Teignmouth lifeboat rescued five fishermen from a capsized trawler near the mouth of the River Teign. Volunteer Press Officer Tony Watson says: ‘This just shows that accidents can happen, even to...

Category: Articles

Reorganisation of Districts

Date: March 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 371

Ix April 1954 it was decided to make certain changes in the appointments of the life-boat district inspectors in view of the impending retirement of the Southern District Inspector. At the same time it was decided to reorganise the districts...

Category: Committee

33Ft Brede Class

Date: Spring 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 480

A 33FT BREDE class lifeboat, 33-02, is now at Oban undergoing station evaluation trials.

The Brede is a new type of lifeboat based on a commercial GRP hull. As a result of initial development work her wheelhouse has been...

Category: Articles

Safeguard Security

Date: Autumn 2004

Volume: 59

Issue: 570

Alarms and double glazing are not sufficient to deter burglars! Safeguard your home and your office SLIDING INTERIOR WINDOW PROTECTION W B HB Hl BBHI Now you can sleep with your windows open without.

fear of intruders It is...

Category: Advertisement

Heaving the Lead

Date: July 1854

Volume: 01

Issue: 13

OF the different guides to which the mariner has recourse in providing for the safety of his vessel as she forces her way through the trackless deep, none is of more importance, as none is more ancient, than that of the sounding-line and...

Category: Articles