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Padstow Has Two Up-To-Date Local Wreck Charts on Display Round the Harbour.

Date: October 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 437

Padstow has two up-to-date local wreck charts on display round the harbour.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

A Wreck on the Cornish Coast

Date: January 1862

Volume: 05

Issue: 43

WE have, on a previous page, given an account of the loss of valuable lives occasioned by an accident to a life-boat. The following is an interesting'and affecting narrative of the loss of a valuable life, illustrative of another phase...

Category: Articles

Iron Ships, and the Wreck of the Royal Charter

Date: January 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 35

How many " monster wrecks" has it been our painful duty to chronicle during the past few years! How sad is the reflection that their number appears rather to be on the increase than on the decline! During the present year alone...

Category: Articles

Wreck of the St. George, 1830

Date: July 1852

Volume: 01

Issue: 05

ON Friday evening, the 29th of November, 1830, the St. George, a first-class steamer, commanded by Lieut. TUDOR, R.N., arrived at Douglas, Isle of Man, with the mail from Liverpool, and anchored in the bay. The night was stormy, with heavy...

Category: Services

Wreck of the Barque 'Mary Stoddart' on the Irish Coast

Date: July 1858

Volume: 04

Issue: 29

THE following account of a disastrous shipwreck which recently occurred near Dundalk, on the east coast of Ireland, cannot fail to be interesting to all who peruse it. We think it deserving of record on three accounts —1st. As an instance of...

Category: Services

The Wreck of the Anzio I

Date: September 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 417

ON the night of 2nd /3rd April, 1966, the motor vessel Anzio I went aground.

The Humber life-boat was launched. She was unable to save any lives, but for the attempt which she made in extremely severe conditions Coxswain...

Category: Services

'Wreck Raisers'

Date: January 1973

Volume: 42

Issue: 442

Mr. M. R. C. Parr, of Eycline Films Ltd., London, writes: 'The "Wreck Raisers", a film just completed for the Children's Film Foundation, features the friendly life-boat coxswain vho is also the magistrate as one of the...

Category: Articles

The Wreck of the S.S. Bardic In 1924

Date: April 1949

Volume: 32

Issue: 349

The Wreck of the SS Bardic In 1924 From The Painting By Mr Claude M Hart.

Category: Drawings


Date: November 1877

Volume: 10

Issue: 106

MONTROSE, N.B..—On the llth April, at 2 P.M., when blowing hard from the N.E., the schooner Charm, of Montrose, bound from that port to Hartlepool, got ashore at the entrance of the river, and subsequently became a total wreck. The Lifeboat...

Wreck of the Steamer "Duke of Sutherland."

Date: July 1853

Volume: 01

Issue: 09

ON the 1st of April in the present year occurred one of those fearful wrecks which ever and anon startle even the inhabitants of these sea-girt islands, accustomed as they have been from time immemorial to the periodical sacrifice, by...

Category: Services