Many people imagine that the average RNLI crew member is a selfless, brave, experienced mariner. Crew members are certainly brave and selfless but, today, volunteers with a professional maritime background are in the...
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Our lifesavers usually rescue one or a few people at a time – but in May they were called to over 80 swimmers struggling against a powerful tide …
It was a deceptively calm and sunny day on 26...
Category: Articles
Cdr Leslie Hill answers the questions of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Anthony Barber on the RNLl's principal exhibit, an Atlantic 21ILB (below). - View image in PDF
photograph by courtesy of Fox Photos. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Go forth, thou gallant boat! God speed thee on the main I Not oft, if ever, wilt thou float Thus tranquilly again.
Go I proudly ride the wave— The restless waters sleep; Hereafter thou must breast and brave The fury of the...
Category: Poetry
Dunmore East, Co. Waterford. — At 3.15 in the afternoon of the 2nd of April, 1948, the Duncannon police tele- phoned that a small boat was in distress, and the motor life-boat Duke of Con- naught, on temporary duty at the station, was...
WEST HARTLEPOOL.—On the 2nd April, 1881,at about 11 A.M.,on observing the bri- gantine Danube, of Guernsey, which was about to enter the Hartlepool East Harbour, hoist a flag of distress, the West Hartle- pool No. 1 Life-boat Rochdale...
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Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—About 4.15 in the morning on the 8th of November, 1950, the S.S. Allurity, of London, a tanker of 813 tons, wirelessed that she had a fire in her engine-room. Shortly after 7.0 the Foreland coastguard reported that...
While many lifeboats lie afloat in harbours, primed to head straight out to sea, others sit in boathouses on the shore. So, what – and who – is involved when it comes to getting an all-weather craft to sea in an...
Category: Articles
IN Lloyd's List for 4th May appeared the following announcement under " Malvoisin." " Boulogne, May 3.—The Malvoisin, a British ketch plying regularly between London and Calais, was wrecked at 5 a.m. to-day on the shore to...
Category: Articles