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Lifeboat Classified

Date: Spring 1993

Volume: 53

Issue: 524

Yacht Crew A * A Cruising/Racing/Delivery/Sea Miles A Amateur and professional crew A Free service to boat owners A Beginners welcome A UK and International Tctaphom/Fax: 0489 578319 RCWSECK[RS BRINGING OWNERS AND CREW TOGETHER The Yacht Inn...

Category: Advertisement

Poole Headquarters July 25 1986:

Date: Summer 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 497

Poole headquarters, July 25, 1986: When Stephen Willoughby died tragically young, his family decided they would buy a lifeboat in his memory. The relief 16ft D class lifeboat Stephen Willoughby was therefore officially handed over and... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Lifeboat Classified

Date: Autumn 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 502

LIFEBOAT CLASSIFIED MADE TO MEASURE X X HAND CUT SHIRTS and BLOUSES From quality fabrics: Sea Island cottons, silks, polycottons, wool/cotton mixtures, cotton oxfords, Viyella, etc.

Patterns and details from A. GARSTANG&...

Category: Advertisement

Coya, of Greenock

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946


At 5.20 in the afternoon the coastguard reported a sailing yacht making heavy weather. Thirty-five minutes later they reported that she appeared to be showing a distress signal. A...

Hospital for Aged and Disabled Master Mariners and Seamen

Date: January 1858

Volume: 04

Issue: 27


INTIMATELY connected with the work of Preservation of Life from Shipwreck is all that concerns the welfare, and tends to improve the character of the men who constitute our Mercantile Marine,...

Category: Articles

Your Shout

Date: Spring 2007

Volume: 60

Issue: 580

your shout Dear Editor, My wife and I were privileged recently to spend a day visiting RNLI Headquarters at Poole. Every aspect that we saw or heard made us deeply proud of the Lifeboat service and full of admiration both for the people and...

Category: Correspondence

Classified Advertisements

Date: Autumn 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 490

The format of the classified section will change in the spring 1985 issue to a four column page. Each advertisement wilt be in a box rule and the cost per single column centimetre will be £11. The minimum size of an advertisement will...

Category: Advertisement

Lifeboat Classified

Date: Winter 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 491

ADVERTISE on these pages and reach 120,000 R.N.L.I. members and their family and friends. The cost is £11 a column centimetre or £10 if four or more insertions are booked.

Contact: Karen Heath, Jackson-Rudd &...

Category: Advertisement

Here and There

Date: Spring 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 460

AN RNLI JUBILEE FAYRE, organised by a committee representing several North Cornwall branches, will be held on the Royal Agricultural Show grounds, Wadebridge, on Wednesday, August 24.

The grounds have kindly been made...

Category: Articles

Earl Russell, K.G., on Sailors' Orphans

Date: October 1862

Volume: 05

Issue: 46

AT the opening, on the 29th July last, of the new Asylum at Snaresbrook for Merchant Seamen's Orphans, EARL RUSSELL, K.G., H.M. Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, made some appropriate remarks on the occasion.


Category: Articles