THE Wreck Register not having been issued as early as usual by the Board of Trade, we are unable to furnish our readers, in the November number of our Journal, as has been our wont, with a Chart showing the wrecks and shipping casualties...
Category: Articles
Mr. and Mrs. Leaver, of the Enfield branch of the R.N.L.I., taken at the Costermongers' Ball held on 25th September, 1969. The ball raised over £200 for the Institution. Mr.
Leaver is chairman of the local... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
New Brighton, Cheshire. At 5.21 on the afternoon of the 21st of January, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a collision had taken place near the Canada dock between the coaster Lurcher and the Greek motor vessel...
HER ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCESS MARINA, DUCHESS OF KENT, the President of the Institution, named the new Sheringham life-boat The Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows at a ceremony at Shering- ham on the 15th June, 1962. The bulk of the money for the...
Category: Inaugurations
New Brighton, Cheshire - At 6.50 p.m. on nth September, 1966, red flares were sighted off the RI buoy in Rock channel, river Mersey. The life-boat Norman B. Corlett left her moorings ten minutes later. It was three hours before high water....
Whitby, Yorkshire - At 12.40 p.m.
on 5th January, 1967, news was received that three local fishing vessels were still at sea and the weather was deteriorating rapidly with very heavy seas breaking at the approach to the...
NORTH-EAST DISTRICT Bridlington, Yorkshire - At 9.5 a.m.
on 22nd April, 1966, the assistant harbour master informed the honorary secretary that there were three cobles at sea, and the weather was deteriorating rapidly. He...
Mrs Mary Ruscoe (c) and Mrs Ethel Hampson have between them given 102 years service to Little Hulton, one of the oldest of the ladies' guilds. At a recent dance (which raised £142) a presentation was made by Derek Hallworth, area... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Unflagging support: Steve Gilbert (I) and Graham Bradshaw (r) hand a cheque for £225 to Falmouth harbour master and lifeboat honorary secretary, Captain David Banks.
Their Platinum II Roadshow had raised the money... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Shoreham Life-Boat and Tug Escort Leaking Dredger. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs