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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: May 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 252

FLAMBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. At about 2 o'clock on the morning of the 6th January three of the fishing cobles belonging to Flamborough put out to sea. About three hours later, when the boats were five miles from home, the N.N.W. wind...

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution from the 1st Oct. To the 31st Dec. 1877

Date: February 1878

Volume: 10

Issue: 107

DUNDEE.—On the 5th October, it having been reported that a barque was ashore on the Abertay Sands, the Buddon- ness Life-boat Eleanora, and the English Mechanic Life-boat stationed at Broughty Ferry, proceeded to the sands and found the...

Category: Services

List of Successes In the Essay Competition

Date: June 1931

Volume: 28

Issue: 306

London District (County Council Area and Middlesex).




William Bennett Freda Shine Thomas Gover .

Maureen Conway John...

Category: Articles

The Rescue

Date: July 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 77

I WAS hastening up from the beach, where the life-boat men had rendered good service that night.

****** The work was nobly done! JOHN FURBY, the coxswain, with a sturdy crew of volun- teers—twelve in all—were ready for...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: November 1891

Volume: 14

Issue: 162

PORTRUSH, Co. ANTRIM.—The schooner Ullen Myvanwy, of Beaumaris, bound from Runcorn for Ramelton, co. Donegal, with a cargo of salt, anchored in Skerries Roads, off Portrush on the 28th Feb., 1891.

On the 2nd March, a gale...

Category: Services

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: March 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 337

Thursday, 10th November, 1938.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:—• Mr. C. V. Thomas, C.A. . . 1,500 0 0 R.N.D. . . ...

Category: Committee

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution (continued.)

Date: November 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 122

BALLYWALTER, Co. DOWN.— On the evening of the 4th April, 1881, informa- tion was brought from the Coastguard Station that the Bell Buoy, a vessel which is placed about two miles off the shore to warn vessels off the Stullmartin Reef, had...

Category: Services

The War Record Year by Year

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: Preface

The 3rd of September, 1939, to the 8th of May, 1945 Year 1939 from 3rd Sept.) 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944.

1945 Totals Launches of Lifeboats to ships in distress on account of the War 200 640 481 244 249 280 118 2,212 Total...

Category: Contents

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: August 1904

Volume: 19

Issue: 213

COURTMACSHERRY, CO. CORK. On the j 1st January, 1904, the Life-boat Kezia Gwilt rendered very useful service to the barque Faulconnier, of Dunkirk. ' During a strong breeze from E.S.E. and rough sea, with somewhat hazy weather, • the...

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: February 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 163

CAHORE, Co. WEXFORD.—A messenger arrived at this Life-boat Station from Morris Castle, distant about three Irish miles south, on the evening of the 17th May, and reported that a vessel was stranded on the Blackwater Bank. The Life-boat John...

Category: Services