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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Gleaner, of Milford

Date: February 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 99

On the 30th October, at 3 P.M., the schooner Gleaner, of Milford, •was "wrecked beneath Clay Castle, near the entrance of Youghal Harbour. It was blowing a heavy gale at S. The Life-boat William Beckett of Leeds was launched at 3.45,...

R. B., of Bayonne

Date: August 1873

Volume: 08

Issue: 89

The schooner -B. B., of Bayonne, had anchored in Clo- velly Eoads on the 19th December, and it was ascertained that she was partially dis- abled from loss of sails, spars, and both boats. On the following morning, in a very severe gale from...

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution During the First Six Months of 1876

Date: August 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 101

RHOSNEIGIR, ANGLESEY.—About 1 A.M. on the 3rd January, the barque Clifton, of Liverpool, was wrecked on Rhosneigir rocks. It being then moderately smooth, the crew remained by the ship in the hope of floating her off; but about 1 P.M., in...

Category: Services

The S.S. Ayrshire Coast, of Liverpool (1)

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946


A heavy south-westerly gale was blowing. The seas were very heavy. Visibility was poor. At 5.35 in the morning information came to the Torbay life-boat...


Date: November 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 254

At 6.45 P.M. on the 1st April a telephone message was received from the Coast- guard stating that a vessel was ashore at Scotston Head. Coxswain James Cameron of the No. 2 Life - boat Alexander Tulloch started for the scene j of the wreck,...

Award of Ministry of Transport Shield

Date: September 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 389

THE Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Mr. Harold Watkinson, has awarded the shield for the best wreck service during the past year to the Blyth Coast Life-Saving Company. As a result of their efforts nine members of the crew of the s...

Category: Awards

John James, of Chester

Date: August 1871

Volume: 08

Issue: 81

The smack John James, of Chester, bound from Dublin to Aberdovey, in ballast, was observed on the morning of the 17th October, in a disabled state, with her sails blown away, while the wind was blowing strong from the N., and the sea was...

Annual Meeting

Date: May 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 276

THE Ninety-eighth Annual General Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION was held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Wednesday, 29th March, 1922, at 3 P.M., the Right Hon Stanley Baldwin, M.P., President of the Board of Trade, in...

Category: Meetings

Annual Meeting. The Prince of Wales's Presidential Address

Date: May 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 294

THE Hundred and Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Governors oi the Institution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on Wednesday, 28th March, at 3 p.m.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, E.G., President of...

Category: Meetings

The Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: May 1897

Volume: 16

Issue: 184

Obvarte.—Bust of Her Majesty Queen Victoria; beneath, It mlnnte letters, "L. C. Wyon." Double legend, " Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. Victoria, Patroness." Reverie.—Three...

Category: Medals