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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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St Bridget

Date: November 1910

Volume: 21

Issue: 238

At 6.30 P.M. on the 18th May the fishing-boat St. Bridget, of Ballinagoul, whilst returning from Dungarvan, ran on to the rocks near Ballinacourty Light- house, in a squall of rain. As the four men on board were in danger, the Life- boat...


Date: November 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 320

Aldeburgh, Suffolk. —On the 20th August the motor barge Mardy, of King's Lynn, ran ashore on the outer shoal at the entrance to the River Aide.

She carried a crew of six, and was bound with a cargo of coal from Boston...

Spurn Life-Boat Crew (Bradford's Own) As Guard of Honour to the Prince of Wales

Date: June 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 279

WHEN the Prince of Wales visited Bradford on 30th May, the Spurn Lifeboat Crew whose new Motor Boat is being provided out of the special fund raised in Bradford, and is to be named after the city played a prominent part in the welcome given...

Category: Articles

Landlubber In the Life-Boat

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

The following article appeared in the Norwich Mercury of llth April, 1968, and is repro- duced by courtesy of the Editor Who, reading this, has not at some time or other rushed down to the beach at the sound of the maroons calling out the...

Category: Articles


Date: March 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 379

Aberdeen.—At 2.29 on the afternoon of the 26th of November, 1956, the coastguard reported that the Norweg- ian steamer Strindheim, laden with timber, was due to arrive off Aberdeen about eight o'clock in the evening and would want help...

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: January 1858

Volume: 04

Issue: 27

ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.

IN 1824.

Supported by Voluntary Subscriptions.



Category: Advertisement

Submerged Tractors

Date: February 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 275

This photograph shows the extent to which the Tractors for launching Life-boats have been made immune from water. The water can be plainly seen pouring through the engine of the Tractor In front.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

Date: July 1863

Volume: 05

Issue: 49

THE commerce of the world has increased, and is increasing so rapidly, and especially that of this great commercial nation, that the danger of collision between the innumerable ships that are passing and repassing each other, and crossing...

Category: Articles


Date: Autumn 2005

Volume: 60

Issue: 574

Give yourself something to look forward to after the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over and get 2007 off to a great start, with this fabulous 30-day Caribbean Winter Sunshine Cruise departing directly from...

Category: Advertisement

Membership News

Date: Spring 1993

Volume: 53

Issue: 524

Introduce a friend With this issue of THE LIFEBOAT is a leaflet entitled 'Introduce a friend'.

We hope you will pass this leaflet on to a friend, neighbour or perhaps relative, who may interested in supporting the...

Category: Articles