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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Chief Inspector of Lifeboats, Lt.- Commander W. L. G. Dutton, RD, RNR, of Dorking, with his wife. Olive, when he received the OBE from the Queen on February 20. by courtesy of Feature Press Photo Agency

Date: Spring 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 444

The Chief Inspector of Lifeboats, Lt.- Commander W. L. G. Dutton, RD, RNR, of Dorking, with his wife. Olive, when he received the OBE from the Queen on February 20. - View image in PDF

by courtesy of Feature Press Photo Agency. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

One of the Last Naming Ceremonies Attended By Princess Marina Duchess of Kent

Date: December 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 426

One of the last naming ceremonies attended by Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, was at Dover when the Faithful Forester was commissioned. Here Princess Marina comes ashore after inspecting the Dover boat on 26th July, 1967.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Gem of the Ocean (1)

Date: August 1909

Volume: 20

Issue: 233

UPGANG AND WHITBY, YORKSHIRE.— During the afternoon of the 15th Feb- ruary the northerly wind freshened, bringing up a heavy sea, and at about 3.30 P.M. a telephone message from Runswick reported that a small vessel was driving southward in...

Northerly Storm—Spring Tides: a Log of the Night of January 11 and 12 1978 By Michael Pennell

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

On the night of January 11 and 12, 1978, storm force winds blowing right down the North Sea coinciding with some of the highest tides of the winter resulted in severe flooding and damage down the East Coast of England and in the Thames...

Category: Articles

The Light Type of Motor Life-Boat. Problems of the Three Capsizes

Date: June 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 338

By LiEUT.-CoMMANDER P. E. VAUX, D.S.C., R.N., Chief Inspector of Life-boats.

THEEE motor life-boats have capsized in the space of fifteen months. In each capsize lives were lost.

The St. Ives life-boat...

Category: Articles

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: February 1906

Volume: 19

Issue: 219

WALMER, KENT.—On the 1st October, during hazy weather, the barquentine Juno, of Riga, stranded on the South Goodwin Sands, whilst bound from Portsmouth to Sunderland. Informa- tion reached the Coxswain of the Life- boat about 9 A.M., and...

Category: Services

Superintendent Coxswain Brian Bevan Was Awarded the Gold Silver and Bronze Medals for Gallantry for Services By Humber Lifeboat In Some of the Worst Storms of Th

Date: Spring 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 468

Superintendent Coxswain Brian Bevan was awarded the gold, silver and bronze medals for gallantry for services by Humber lifeboat in some of the worst storms of the past winter. These services were to Revi, Diana V and Savinesti respectively... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Kapok Life-Belts. Report of the Departmental Committee of the Board of Trade

Date: November 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 300

Report of the Departmental Committee of the Board of Trade.

By GEORGE F. SHEE, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.

THE Court of Inquiry held by the Board of Trade into the wreck of the Rye Harbour...

Category: Articles

Sir William Hillary, Founder of the Institution

Date: May 1921

Volume: 24

Issue: 273

WHEN, in March, 1920, I paid my first visit to the Isle of Man, I did so for a double reason. I wanted to see all the Isle of Man Stations and to have the advantage of meeting the Honorary Secretaries and Committees. But the main object in...

Category: Articles

Treatment of the Apparently Drowned

Date: May 1879

Volume: 10

Issue: 112


Supported solely by Voluntary Contributions.


THE leading principles of the following Directions...

Category: Articles